Extended ray dynamics for optical microcavities

Julia Unterhinninghofen

Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Magdeburg, Germany

Optical microcavities have important applications in various fields of physics; deformed optical microdisks in particular attract interest in the quantum chaos community because they can be used to study ray-wave correspondence in complex open systems both theoretically and experimentally. As smaller and smaller cavities can be fabricated, corrections to the ray picture become important. We consider the lowest order wave corrections (so-called Goos-Hänchen shift and Fresnel filtering), which lead to an extended, in general non-Hamiltonian, ray dynamics; we present results for elliptical and Limacon-shaped microdisks and compare them to wave calculations. For applications (i.e. lasers, single-photon emitters), directional light emission from the cavity is desired. Recently, it has been demonstrated that directionality from long-lived modes can be archived in Limacon cavities; we study the influence of wave corrections on the far-field emission pattern in this case and also for the case of a notched ellipse which also shows directional emission.
