Microwave floquet-systems

Timur Tudorovskiy

Philipps-Universität Marburg, Fachbereich Physik, Marburg, Germany

We present recent experimental results on microwave Floquet systems. The systems are realized by means of a tunable resonance circuit. The circuit includes a modulated capacity, which allows to vary periodically the eigenresonance of the system. Using different kinds of driving we observed different sets of sideband structures generated by a single perturbed resonance. It turns out that depending on the intensity of the incoming signal our devices can work either in linear or in nonlinear regime. In the linear regime the observed sideband structures are explained theoretically. Among other peculiarities we can point out the existence of ``turning points'' corresponding to the lowest and highest values of the eigenresonance of the system. In the vicinity of these points the profiles of sideband-structures can have some oscillations, which agrees with the theory. We found that these oscillations are strongly enhanced in the nonlinear regime.
