Effects of a cubic nonlinearity in optical microcavity systems

Jeong-Bo Shim

Universität Magdeburg, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Theorie der kondensierten Materie I,
Magdeburg, Germany

As exteremly high-Q factors can be realized in optical systems thanks to whispering-gallery-type modes, it becomes possible to induce intense fields in microoptical elements. Accordingly, it becomes necessary to study nonlinear optical effects in micro-optical systems. In this work, we study the effect of the cubic Kerr-type nonlinearity in a 2D microcavity system. By means of a numerical integration of the time-dependent nonlinear wave equation including the microcavity system and a tapered fiber, we investigate the effects of the nonlinearity on the emission through the microcavity and the spectral characteristics. We furthermore discuss the relation of our results to Bose-Einstein condensates which are also described by a cubic nonlinear wave equation.
