Ahufinger, Veronica |
Trapped ion chain as a neural network |
Alon, Ofir E. |
Cold bosonic atoms in rings,
optical lattices and other traps: Beyond Gross-Pitaevskii and Bose-Hubbard |
Aspelmeyer, Markus |
Photon-phonon Entanglement |
Baranov, Mikhail |
Rapidly rotating fermionic dipolar gases |
Battelier, Baptiste |
Observation of phase fluctuations in a quasi-2D Bose-gas |
Belzig, Wolfgang |
Counting statistics of density fluctuations in a quantum gas |
Brand, Joachim |
Quantum reflection and dissipative motion of matter-wave solitons |
Braun, Daniel |
A decoherence metric for quantum memories with many qubits |
Camerer, Stephan |
Coupling a BEC to a nanomechanical resonator - Chip fabrication |
Cherny, Alexander |
Is the 1D Bose gas superfluid? |
Fehske, Holger |
Exciton condensation in intermdiate valence Tm[Se,Tm] compounds |
Fuchs, Jean-Noël |
Induced interaction between two impurities in one dimensional Bose liquids |
Garcia-Ripoll, Juan Jose |
Molecule formation in optical lattices: A matrix product state study |
Görlitz, Axel |
A combined trap for ultracold Rb and Yb atoms |
Huckans, John |
An accordion optical lattice for cold atoms |
Juzeliunas, Gediminas |
Light induced gauge potentials in ultra-cold atomic gases |
Kawaguchi, Yuki |
Einstein-de Haas effect in dipolar Bose-Einstein
condensates |
Kivshar, Yuri |
Self-trapped nonlinear matter waves in periodic potentials |
Kolovsky, Andrey |
Microscopic dynamics of Bose atoms in a parabolic lattice |
Komineas, Stavros |
Virial theorems and vortex states in a confined Bose-Einstein condensate |
Laburthe Tolra, Bruno |
Towards a quantum
degenerate dipolar Bose-Fermi mixture: Simultaneous magneto-optical trapping of Fermionic 53Cr and Bosonic 52Cr |
Lupascu, Adrian |
Dispersive readout of a superconducting flux qubit |
Maletinsky, Patrick |
Knight field enabled optical pumping of quantum-dot nuclear spins |
Mariani, Eros |
Mott insulator-superfluid domains for confined BEC in optical lattices |
Müller, Cord |
Localization of matter waves in 2D-disordered optical potentials |
Muramatsu, Alejandro |
Numerically exact simulations for ultra-cold atoms in and out of equilibrium |
Ott, Herwig |
A scanning electron microscope for ultracold atoms |
Pedri, Paolo |
Dipolar gases |
Pollet, Lode |
Phase diagram of Bose-Fermi mixtures in one-dimensional optical lattices |
Ponomarev, Alexey |
Atomic current across an optical lattice |
Pupillo, Guido |
Phases of dipolar gases |
Recati, Alessio |
Induced interaction between two impurities in one dimensional Bose liquids |
Rizzi, Matteo |
Phase diagram of spin-1 bosons on one-dimensional lattices |
Rowen, Eitan |
The interplay between interference
induced localization and many-body interactions in the Bose-Hubbard
model in the presence of disorder or quasi-periodic modulations |
Spielman, Ian |
Bosons in optical lattices: Focus on 2D physics |
Syassen, Niels |
Feshbach molecules from an atomic Mott insulator |
Trauzettel, Björn |
Emission of polarization-entangled microwave photons from a pair of quantum dots |
Treutlein, Philipp |
Coupling a Bose-Einstein condensate to a nanomechanical resonator on an atom chip |
Weiss, Christoph |
Analog of Photon assisted tunneling of a Bose-Einstein condensate |
Widera, Artur |
Coherent collisional spin-dynamics in optical lattices |
Wimberger, Sandro |
Exact tunnelling rates for the nonlinear Wannier-Stark problem |
Winkler, Klaus |
Long-lived Feshbach molecules in a 3D optical lattice |
Zwierlein, Martin |
High-temperature superfluidity in an ultracold Fermi gas |