Feshbach molecules from an atomic Mott insulator

Niels Syassen

Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics, Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1, 85748 Garching, Germany

N. Syassen, T. Volz, D. Bauer, E. Hansis, S. Dürr, and G. Rempe

Feshbach molecules from bosonic atomic species have proven to be very unstable with respect to inelastic collisions [1]. As a result the typical lifetime observed for a cloud of ultracold 87Rb_2 molecules stored in an optical dipole trap is limited to a few milliseconds.
Here, we report on the observation of long-lived Feshbach molecules in an optical lattice. A BEC of 87Rb atoms is loaded into the lowest Bloch band of a 3D optical lattice operated at a wavelength of 830 nm. By ramping up the lattice depth, the atomic gas enters the Mott insulator regime. A magnetic-field ramp through the Feshbach resonance at 1007 G creates molecules [2]. Lattice sites initially occupied with more than 2 atoms experience fast inelastic collisional losses. The observed lifetime of the remaining molecules is ~100 ms, which is much longer than for a pure molecular sample in an optical dipole trap. Similar results have recently been reported in Ref. [3]. The increased lifetime is an important step on the route to a BEC of molecules in the vibrational ground state [4].

[1] T. Mukaiyama et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 180402 (2004)
[2] S. Dürr et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 020406 (2004)
[3] G. Thalhammer et al., cond-mat/0510755}
[4] D. Jaksch et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 040402 (2002)
