Cold bosonic atoms in rings, optical lattices and other traps: Beyond Gross-Pitaevskii and Bose-Hubbard

Ofir E. Alon

Heidelberg University, Theoretical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry Institue, INF 229, 69120, Heidelberg, Germany

The necessity to go beyond Gross-Pitaevskii to properly describe strongly-interacting cold bosonic atoms, and even weakly-interacting atoms in double- and multi-well traps has by now became well-accepted by the community.

Starting from the problem of attractive condensates on a ring and ending with that of repulsive bosons in general traps, we present two new theoretical and computational approaches going beyond standard mean-field. These have enabled us to predict new physical phenomena. I discuss fragmentation of attractive and repulsive condensates, a zoo of Mott-insulator phases in optical lattices [thereby going beyond Bose-Hubbard model], and the pathway to fermionizion of trapped cold bosonic systems.
