Phase diagram of spin-1 bosons on one-dimensional lattices

Matteo Rizzi

NEST CNR-INFM, Scuola Normale Superiore, Piazza dei Cavalieri 7, 56126 Pisa, Italy

Spinor Bose condensates loaded in optical lattices have a rich phase diagram characterized by different magnetic order. Here we apply the Density Matrix Renormalization Group to accurately determine the phase diagram for spin-1 bosons loaded on a one dimensional lattice. Quantitative Mott-Superfluid phase boundary is provided. The Mott lobes present an even/odd asymmetry associated to the boson filling. We show that for odd fillings the insulating phase is always in a dimerized state. The results obtained in this work are also relevant for the determination of the ground state phase diagram of the S=1 Heisenberg model with biquadratic interaction.
