Critical points in two-channel quantum systems |
Loss, gain, and singular points in open quantum systems |
Equilibrium states in open quantum systems |
Gain and loss in open quantum systems |
Resonances in open quantum systems |
Clustering of exceptional points and dynamical phase transitions |
A review of progress in the physics of open quantum systems: theory and experiment |
Nearby states in non-Hermitian quantum systems II: Three and more states |
Nearby states in non-Hermitian quantum systemsI: Two states |
Open quantum systems with loss and gain |
Exceptional points in open and PT-symmetric systems |
Open quantum systems and Dicke superradiance |
Width bifurcation and dynamical phase transitions in open quantum systems |
Enhancement of photon intensity in forced coupled quantum wells inside a semiconductor microcavity |
Avoided level crossings in open quantum systems |
Dynamical stabilization and time in open quantum systems |
Analysis technique for exceptional points in open quantum systems and QPT analogy for the appearance of irreversibility |
Dynamical phase transitions in quantum mechanics |
Resonance trapping and dynamical phase transitions |
Exceptional points and dynamical phase transitions |
Dynamical phase transitions in quantum systems |
Environmentally induced effects and dynamical phase transitions in quantum systems |
Phase lapses in open quantum systems and the non-Hermitian Hamilton operator |
A non-Hermitian Hamilton operator and the physics of open quantum systems |
Unified description of resonance and decay phenomena in quantum dots |
Transmission through quantum dots with variable shape. Bound states in the continuum |
Feshbach projection-operator formalism applied to resonance scattering on Bargmann-type potentials |
Exceptional points in open quantun systems |
Correlated behavior of conductance and phase rigidity in the transition from the weak-coupling to the strong-coupling regime |
The brachistochrone problem in open quantum systems |
Projective Hilbert space structures at exceptional points |
Comment on "Bound-state eigenenergy outside and inside the continuum for unstable multilevel systems" |
Singularities caused by coalesced complex eigenvalues of an effective Hamilton operator |
Bound states in the continuum in open Aharonov-Bohm rings |
Phase rigidity and avoided level crossings in the complex energy plane |
Spectroscopic properties of large open quantum-chaotic cavities with and without separated time scales |
Bound states in the continuum in open quantum billiards with a variable shape |
Statistical study of the conductance and shot noise in open quantum-chaotic cavities: Contribution from whispering gallery modes |
Laser polarization control of autoionization in the Helium atom |
Trapping of an electron in the transmission through two quantum dots coupled by a wire |
S-matrix formalism of transmission through two quantum billiards coupled by a waveguide |
Avoided level crossings and singular points |
From discrete states to resonance states: quantum mechanics of systems embedded in a continuum |
Photoionisation of a helium atom involving autoionisation states coupled by a circularly polarised laser field |
Zeros in single-channel transmission through double quantum dots |
Avoided level crossings, diabolic points, and branch points in the complex plane in an open double quantum dot |
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mpi-pks/9805005 [ ps, Figs. (tar-file) ] : Title: Collectivity, phase transitions and exceptional points in open quantum systems |
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