Prof. Dr. Ulf Saalmann

items in reverse chronological order | last update on 11 Mar 2025

Zero-energy photoelectric effect
     S Azizi, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 103201 (2025)    article  bibtex  journal

Time delays in anisotropic systems
     U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Can. J. Phys. 103, 34 (2025)    article  bibtex  journal

Strong-field quantum control in the extreme ultraviolet domain using pulse shaping
     F Richter, U Saalmann ... all ... M Zangrando, L Bruder
     Nature 636, 337 (2024)    article  bibtex  journal

Roadmap on data-centric materials science
     S Bauer, P Benner ... all ... Y Yao, M Zhao
     Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 32, 063301 (2024)     article  bibtex  journal

Fragmentation dynamics of fullerenes upon extreme electronic excitation
near the giant resonance with XUV free-electron laser pulses
     A C LaForge, D Mishra, U Saalmann ... all ... J M Rost, R Moshammer, N Berrah

Energy conservation law in strong-field photoionization by circularly polarized light
     J Dubois, C Lévêque, J Caillat, R Taïeb, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. A 109, 013112 (2024)    article  bibtex  journal

Symmetry-induced decoherence-free subspaces
     J Dubois, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. Res. 5, L012003 (2023)    article  bibtex  journal

Enhanced high-order harmonics through periodicity breaks: From backscattering to impurity states
     C Yu, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. A 106, 013105 (2022)    article  bibtex  journal

Local excitation and valley polarization in graphene with multi-harmonic pulses
     U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Faraday discuss. 237, 368 (2022)    article  bibtex  journal

Ultrashort laser-driven dynamics of massless Dirac electrons generating valley polarization in graphene
     H K Kelardeh, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. Res. 4, L022014 (2022)    article  bibtex  journal

High-order harmonics from backscattering of delocalized electrons
     C Yu, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. A 105, L041101 (2022)    article  bibtex  journal

Non-adiabatic ionization with tailored laser pulses
     S Azizi, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     J. Phys. B 54, 134001 (2021)    article  bibtex  journal

Semi-classical Lindblad master equation for spin dynamics
     J Dubois, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     J. Phys. A 54, 235201 (2021)    article  bibtex  journal

Perspectives for analyzing non-linear photo ionization spectra with deep neural networks trained with synthetic Hamilton matrices
     S Kumar Giri, L Alonso, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Faraday discuss. 228, 502 (2021)    article  bibtex  journal

Proper time delays measured by optical streaking
     U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 113202 (2020)    article  bibtex  journal

Universal high-energy photoelectron emission from nano-clusters beyond the atomic limit
     Z Wang, A Camacho-Garibay, H Park, U Saalmann, P Agostini, J-M Rost & L F DiMauro
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 173201 (2020)    article  bibtex  journal

Purifying electron spectra from noisy pulses with machine learning using synthetic Hamilton matrices
     S Kumar Giri, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 113201 (2020)    article  bibtex  journal

Attoclock and tunnelling time
     J-M Rost & U Saalmann
     Nat. Phot. 13, 439 (2019)    view  bibtex  journal

Floquet Hamiltonian approach for dynamics in short and intense laser pulses
     L Medišauskas, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     J. Phys. B 52, 015602 (2019)    article  bibtex  journal

Boosting terahertz-radiation power with two-color circularly polarized mid-infrared laser pulses
     V A Tulsky, M Baghery, U Saalmann & S V Popruzhenko
     Phys. Rev. A 98, 053415 (2018)    article  bibtex  journal

Adiabatic passage to the continuum: Controlling ionization with chirped laser pulses
     U Saalmann, S Kumar Giri & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 153203 (2018)    article  bibtex  journal

Tunnelling exit characteristics from classical backpropagation of an ionized electron wave packet
     H Ni, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. A 97, 013426 (2018)    article  bibtex  journal

Electron dynamics driven by light-pulse derivatives
     Q-C Ning, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 033203 (2018)    article  bibtex  journal

Single-photon ionization in intense, stochastically fluctuating pulses
     S Kumar Giri, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     J. Mod. Opt. 64, 1004 (2017)    article  bibtex  journal

Essential conditions for dynamic interference
     M Baghery, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 143202 (2017)    article  bibtex  journal

Born in weak fields: Below-threshold photo-electron dynamics
     J B Williams, U Saalmann ... all ... T Jahnke, & R Dörner
     J. Phys. B 50, 034002 (2017)    article  bibtex  journal

Tunneling ionization time-resolved by backpropagation
     H Ni, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 023002 (2016)    article  bibtex  journal

Full counting statistics of a non-adiabatic electron pump
     A Croy & U Saalmann
     Phys. Rev. B 93, 165428 (2016)    article  bibtex  journal

Dynamical characteristics of Rydberg electrons released by a weak electric field
     E Diesen, U Saalmann, M Richter, M Kunitski, R Dörner & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 143006 (2016)    article  bibtex  journal

Universal pulse dependence of the low-energy structure in strong-field ionization
     K Zhang, Y-H Lai ... all ... J-M Rost & L F Di Mauro
     Phys. Rev. A 93, 021403(R) (2016)    article  bibtex  journal

Enhancing scattering images for orientation recovery with diffusion maps
     M Winter, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Opt. Express 24, 3672 (2016)    article  bibtex  journal

Slow electrons from clusters in strong Xray pulses
     A Camacho Garibay, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     J. Phys. B 48, 174003 (2015)    article  bibtex  journal

The envelope Hamiltonian for electron interaction with ultra-short pulses
     K Toyota, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     New J. Phys. 17, 073005 (2015)    article  bibtex  journal

Prevailing features of Xray-induced molecular electron spectra revealed with fullerenes
     A Camacho Garibay, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 083001 (2014)    article  bibtex  journal

Virtual single-photon transition interrupted: Time-gated optical gain and loss
     J Herrmann, M Weger, R Locher, M Sabbar, P Rivière, U Saalmann, J-M Rost, L Gallmann & U Keller
     Phys. Rev. A 88, 043843 (2013)    article  bibtex  journal

Proton ejection from molecular hydride clusters exposed to strong X-ray pulses
     P Di Cintio, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 123401 (2013)    article  bibtex  journal

Multiple ionization of neon by soft X-rays at ultrahigh intensity
     R Guichard, M Richter, J-M Rost, U Saalmann, A A Sorokin & K Tiedtke
     J. Phys. B 46, 164025 (2013)    article  bibtex  journal

Spatial correlations in finite samples revealed by Coulomb explosion
     U Saalmann, A Mikaberidze & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 133401 (2013)    article  bibtex  journal

Slow and fast multi-photon ionization of clusters in strong XUV and X-ray pulses
     Ch Gnodtke, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Chem. Phys. 414, 65 (2013)    article  bibtex  journal

Non-adiabatic rectification and current reversal in electron pumps
     A Croy & U Saalmann
     Phys. Rev. B 86, 035330 (2012)    article  bibtex  journal

Auger decay in the field of a positive charge
     V Averbukh, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. A 85, 063405 (2012)    article  bibtex  journal

Massively parallel ionization of extended atomic systems
     Ch Gnodtke, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 175003 (2012)    article  bibtex  journal

Energy bunching in soft recollisions revealed with long-wavelength few-cycle pulses
     A Kästner, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     J. Phys. B 45, 074011 (2012)    article  bibtex  journal

Electron-energy bunching in laser-driven soft recollisions
     A Kästner, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 033201 (2012)    article  bibtex  journal

Non-adiabatic electron pumping through interacting quantum dots
     A Croy, U Saalmann, A R Hernández & C H Lewenkopf
     Phys. Rev. B 85, 035309 (2012)    article  bibtex  journal

Coulomb explosion of uniformly charged spheroids
     M Grech, R Nuter, A Mikaberidze, P Di Cintio, L Gremillet, E Lefebvre, U Saalmann, J-M Rost & S Skupin
     Phys. Rev. E 84, 056404 (2011)    article  bibtex  journal

Dopant induced ignition of helium nano-droplets in intense few-cycle laser pulses
     S R Krishnan, L Fechner ... all ... U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 173402 (2011)    article  bibtex  journal

Monitoring atomic cluster expansion by high-harmonic generation
     V Strelkov, U Saalmann, A Becker & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 113901 (2011)    article  bibtex  journal

Coherent manipulation of charge qubits in double quantum dots
     A Croy & U Saalmann
     New J. Phys. 13, 043015 (2011)    article  bibtex  journal

Propagation of time-nonlocal quantum master equations for time-dependent electron transport
     A Croy & U Saalmann
     arxiv:1103.0185 (2011)    arxiv

Dynamics of photo-activated Coulomb complexes
     Ch Gnodtke, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     New J. Phys. 13, 013028 (2011)    article  bibtex  journal

Cluster nano-plasmas in strong FLASH pulses: Formation, excitation and relaxation
     U Saalmann
     J. Phys. B 43, 194012 (2010)    article  bibtex  journal

Fast electrons from multi-electron dynamics in xenon clusters induced by inner-shell ionization
     Ch Bostedt, H Thomas, M Hoener, T Möller, U Saalmann, I Georgescu, Ch Gnodtke & J-M Rost
     New J. Phys. 12, 083004 (2010)    article  bibtex  journal

Suppression of exponential electronic decay in a charged environment
     V Averbukh, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 233002 (2010)    article  bibtex  journal

Energy-resolved STM maps of finite carbon nanotubes and the role of surface-tube interactions
     M De Menech, U Saalmann & M E Garcia
     phys. stat. sol. (b) 247, 1095 (2010)    article  bibtex  journal

Propagation scheme for non-equilibrium dynamics of electron transport in nano-scale devices
     A Croy and U Saalmann
     Phys. Rev. B 80, 245311 (2009)    article  bibtex  journal

A partial fraction decomposition of the Fermi function
     A Croy and U Saalmann
     Phys. Rev. B 80, 073102 (2009)    article  bibtex  journal

Unerwartet aufgeladen
     U Saalmann and J-M Rost
     Physik-Journal Juni, 18 (2009)    article  bibtex  journal

Strong-field dynamics with ultra-short electron wavepacket replicas
     P Rivière, O Uhden, U Saalmann and J-M Rost
     New J. Phys. 11, 053011 (2009)    article  bibtex  journal

Ionization and charge migration through strong internal fields in clusters exposed to intense X-ray pulses
     Ch Gnodtke, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. A 79, 041201 (R) (2009)    article  bibtex  journal

Laser-driven nano-plasmas in doped helium-droplets: Local ignition and anisotropic expansion
     A Mikaberidze, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 128102 (2009)    article  bibtex  journal

Electron emission from laser-irradiated atomic clusters
     U Saalmann
     Las. Phys. 19, 202 (2009)    article  bibtex  journal

Energy absorption of xenon clusters in helium nano-droplets under strong laser pulses
     A Mikaberidze, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. A 77, (R) 041201 (2008)    article  bibtex  journal

Rescattering for extended atomic systems
     U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 133006 (2008)    article  bibtex  journal

Quantum electronic transport through supported Si29H24 clusters on an ideal Si[111] surface
     S E Baltazar, M De Menech, U Saalmann, A H Romero & M E Garcia
     J. Appl. Phys. 103, 023714 (2008)    article  bibtex  journal

Tracing non-equilibrium plasma dynamics on the attosecond timescale in small clusters
     U Saalmann, I Georgescu & J-M Rost
     New J. Phys. 10, 025014 (2008)    article  bibtex  journal

Attosecond-resolved charging of ions in a rare-gas cluster
     I Georgescu, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 183002 (2007)    article  bibtex  journal

Clusters under strong VUV pulses: A quantum-classical hybrid-description incorporating plasma effects
     I Georgescu, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. A 76, 043203 (2007)    article  bibtex  journal

Recovering hidden electronic states using energy-resolved imaging of metal clusters at surfaces
     M De Menech, U Saalmann & M E Garcia
     New J. Phys. 9, 340 (2007)    article  bibtex  journal

Theoretical description of rare-gas clusters under intense laser pulses
     I Georgescu, U Saalmann, Ch Siedschlag & J-M Rost
     chapter in Progress in Ultrafast Laser Science (2008)    chapter  bibtex  book

Tip-induced distortions in STM imaging of carbon nanotubes
     H Hövel, M De Menech, M Bödecker, Ch Rettig, U Saalmann & M E Garcia
     Eur. J. Phys. D (2007)    article  bibtex  journal

Kinetic energy of ions after Coulomb explosion of clusters induced by an intense laser pulse
     Md R Islam, U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. A 73, (R) 041201 (2006)    article  bibtex  journal

Energy-resolved STM mapping of C60 on metal surfaces
     M De Menech, U Saalmann & M E Garcia
     Phys. Rev. 73, 155407 (2006)    article  bibtex  journal

Topical Review: Mechanisms of cluster ionization in strong laser pulses
     U Saalmann, Ch Siedschlag & J-M Rost
     J. Phys. B 39, R 39 (2006)    review  bibtex  journal

Resonant energy absorption of rare-gas clusters in strong laser pulses
     U Saalmann
     J. Mod. Opt. 53, 173 (2006)    article  bibtex  journal

Calculation of conductance spectra of silver clusters on graphite
     M De Menech, U Saalmann & M E Garcia
     Appl. Phys. A 82, 113 (2006)    article  bibtex  journal

Microscopic dynamics of atomic clusters in strong laser pulses
     Md R Islam & U Saalmann
     Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences 4, 1142 (2005)

Electron dynamics in strong laser pulse illumination of large rare-gas clusters
     U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Eur. Phys. J. D 36, 159 (2005)    article  bibtex  journal

Ionization of clusters in intense laser pulses through collective electron dynamics
     U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 223401 (2003)    article  bibtex  journal

Multiple electron transfer in slow collisions of highly-charged ions and atoms
     B Zarour & U Saalmann
     Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 205, 610 (2003)    article  bibtex  journal

Ionization of clusters in strong X-ray laser pulses
     U Saalmann & J-M Rost
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 143401 (2002)    article  bibtex  journal

Evidence for projectile-induced molecular polarization in very slow collisions of Kr8+ ions with N2
     M Ehrich, U Werner, H O Lutz, T Kaneyasu, K Ishii, K Okuno & U Saalmann
     Phys. Rev. A 65, (R) 030702 (2002)    article  bibtex  journal

Observation of a nearly isotropic, high-energy Coulomb explosion group in the fragmentation of D2 by short laser pulses
     A Staudte, C L Cocke ... all ... R W Schoenlein & U Saalmann
     Phys. Rev. A 65, (R) 020703 (2002)    article  bibtex  journal

Reaction dynamics of metallic clusters colliding with atoms
     U Saalmann
     Adv. Quant. Chem. 40, 305 (2001)    bibtex  journal

Laser- and collision-induced nonadiabatic wave packet dynamics in sodium molecules
     F Grossmann, U Saalmann & R Schmidt
     Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 9, 785 (2000)    article  bibtex  journal

Charge transfer and fragmentation in cluster-atom collisions
     O Knospe, J Jellinek, U Saalmann & R Schmidt
     Phys. Rev. A 61, 022715 (2000)    article  bibtex  journal

Strong temperature dependence of laser-enhanced charge transfer in collisions of sodium clusters with sodium atoms
     Z Roller-Lutz, Y Wang, H O Lutz, U Saalmann & R Schmidt
     Phys. Rev. A 59, R 2555 (1999)    article  bibtex  journal

Charge transfer in cluster-atom collisions
     O Knospe, J Jellinek, U Saalmann & R Schmidt
     Eur. Phys. J. D 5, 1 (1999)    article  bibtex  journal

Excitation and relaxation in atom-cluster collisions
     U Saalmann & R Schmidt
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 3213 (1998)    article  bibtex  journal

Detailed experimental and theoretical study of collision-induced dissociation of Na2+ ions colliding on He and H2 targets at keV collision energies
     J A Fayeton, M Barat, J C Brenot, H Dunet, Y Picard, U Saalmann & R Schmidt
     Phys. Rev. A 57, 1058 (1998)    article  bibtex  journal

Adiabatic and non-adiabatic cluster collisions
     R Schmidt, O Knospe & U Saalmann
     Il Nuov. Cim. A 110, 1201 (1997)    article  bibtex  journal

Non-adiabatic quantum molecular dynamics: Basic formalism and case study
     U Saalmann & R Schmidt
     Z. Phys. D. 38, 153 (1996)    article  bibtex  journal

Density-functional calculations of structures and ionization energies for heavy group V cluster anions
     R Kaschner, U Saalmann, G Seifert & M Gausa
     Int. J. Quant. Chem. 56, 771 (1995)    article  bibtex  journal

The magnetic phase-diagram of the Emery model within the Hartree-Fock approximation
     U Saalmann & R Hayn
     phys. stat. sol. 168, 605 (1991)    article  bibtex  journal