Zero-energy photo-electric effect
45th Workshop "Extreme Atomic Systems"
Riezlern/Austria (Feb 2025) online
Time delays in 1D: New insights in old problems
Finite Systems Meeting
Dresden (Feb 2025) online
Strong-field control in two-photon ionization
International Workshop on Atomic Physics
Dresden (Nov 2024) online
Time delays: How to define and how to measure
Mini-Symposium at Mathematical Physics Division of Lund University
Lund/Sweden (Jun 2024)
Time delays: How to define and how to measure
Seminar at the SFB "Nonlinear optics down to atomic scales"
Jena (Apr 2024) online
Controlling ionization with chirped circularly-polarized laser pulses
Freiburg (Mar 2024) online
Ionization control with chirped circularly-polarized laser pulses
44th Workshop "Extreme Atomic Systems"
Riezlern/Austria (Feb 2024) online
Time delays: Insights from scattering in 1D
International Workshop on Atomic Physics
Dresden (Nov 2023) online
"strong laser fields: basics and techniques" and "time delays: from scattering to photo-ionization"
IMPRS Summer School
Praha/Czech Republic (Jul 2023)
Time delays in atoms and molecules: how to measure and how to define
with S Azizi
International Workshop on Atomic Physics
Dresden (Nov 2022) online
Strong-field physics
Finite Systems Summer Retreat
Dresden (Aug 2022) online
What is the Coulomb-laser-coupling time? (Is there any?)
Atomic Summer Camp
Dresden (Jul 2021) online
Proper time delays from streaking measurements
ViCPEAC International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions
virtual (Jul 2021) online
Does streaking measure time delays?
QUTIF International Conference
virtual (Feb 2021) online
Does streaking measure time delays?
51st Annual DAMOP Meeting
virtual (Jun 2020) online
Universal high-energy photo-electron emission from clusters
with A Camacho and Z Wang and H Park and P Agostini and L F DiMauro
Symposium on Size-Selected Clusters
Davos/Switzerland (Feb 2020)
Strong-field ionization control in the XUV domain
Satellite "Light-Matter Interaction: Recent Advances in Theory" of Photon Science at DESY
Hamburg (Jan 2020)
Time delay in photo-emission or "Does streaking measure time delays?" or "Is there a Coulomb-laser coupling time?"
41st Workshop "Extreme Atomic Systems"
Riezlern/Austria (Jan 2020)
Strong-field ionization from selectively-populated dressed states
Seminar ULTRA am Institut für Physik der Universität
Kassel (Jan 2020)
Controlled adiabatic passage to the continuum
with S K Giri
28th International Laser Physics Workshop
Gyeongjy/South Korea (Jul 2019)
Disentangling photo-electron spectra from fluctuating pulses
with S K Giri
BiGmax Workshop 2019 on Big-Data-Driven Materials Science
Dresden (Apr 2019)
Simple and robust control of resonant few-photon ionization
with S K Giri
Hauptvortrag auf der DPG-Frühjahrstagung
Rostock (Mar 2019)
"Straightening" fluctuating pulses with artificial neural networks
with S K Giri
5th Annual QUTIF Meeting
Oldenburg/Oldenburg (Feb 2019)
Strong-field ionization control via adiabatic passage
with S K Giri
49thAnnual DAMOP Meeting
Ft. Lauderdale/Florida (May 2018)
Few-photon strong-field ionization
with Q Ning, S K Giri & M Baghery
The 9th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena and Terahertz Waves
Changsha/China (Apr 2018)
Learning spectral landscapes for strong-field optimal control
with S K Giri & M Baghery
BiGmax Workshop 2018 on Big-Data-Driven Materials Science
Kloster Irsee (Apr 2018)
Adiabatic passage to the continuum
with S K Giri
39th Workshop "Extreme Atomic Systems"
Riezlern/Austria (Feb 2018)
Strong-field control with minimally tailored laser pulses
with S K Giri
4th Annual QUTIF Meeting
Hamburg (Feb 2018)
Strong-field control with an adiabatic-passage technique
with S K Giri
48th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics
Snowbird/Utah (Jan 2018)
The non-adiabatic channel in ultra-short high-frequency laser pulses
with Q Ning
QUTIF International Conference
Bad Honnef (Sep 2017)
Atoms in strong high-frequency laser pulses:
From dynamic interference to non-adiabatic ionization
with M Baghery and Q Ning
Trends in ultrafast laser science
Boulder/Colorado (Aug 2017)
Dynamic Stark shift in high-frequency laser pulses:
From dynamic interference to non-adiabatic ionization
with M Baghery and Q Ning
26th International Laser Physics Workshop
Kazan/Russia (Jul 2017)
The pulse shape in high-frequency laser-matter interaction:
From dynamic interference to non-adiabatic ionization
with M Baghery and Q Ning
6th International Conference on Attosecond Physics
Xi'an/China (Jul 2017)
When does dynamic interference occur?
with M Baghery
4th XLIC General Meeting
Praha/Czech Republic (Mar 2017)
Recovery of dynamic interference
with M Baghery
3rd Annual QUTIF Meeting
Dresden (Mar 2017)
Dynamic interference revisited
with M Baghery
38th Workshop "Extreme Atomic Systems"
Riezlern/Austria (Feb 2017)
Is there dynamic interference?
with M Baghery
International Workshop on Atomic Physics
Dresden (Nov 2016)
Dynamical coupling of electrons and ions in Xray-induced dynamics
with P Di Cintio and A Camacho
4th International Conference "Dynamics of Systems on the Nanoscale"
Bad Ems (Oct 2016)
Analyzing single- and multi-electron and ion dynamics in strong fields
QUTIF Research School
Rostock (Sep 2016)
Dynamical coupling of electrons and ions in Xray-induced dynamics
with P Di Cintio and A Camacho
2nd Meeting of the XLIC Working Group 1
Edinburgh/United Kingdom (Aug 2016)
Orientation recovery of scattering images with diffusion map
with M Winter
Workshop on Big-Data-Driven Materials Science
Schloss Ringberg (Jul 2016)
Pulse optimization with Gaussian processes
with M Baghery
2nd Annual QUTIF Meeting
Dornburg an der Saale (May 2016)
Stark ionization of highly-excited molecules
with E Diesen
2nd Meeting of the XLIC Working Group 2
Stockholm/Sweden (Apr 2016)
The zero-energy structure: classical or quantum?
with E Diesen
37th Workshop "Extreme Atomic Systems"
Riezlern/Austria (Feb 2016)
Dynamical coupling of electrons and ions in Xray-induced dynamics
with P Di Cintio and A Camacho
2015 LCLS Users' Meeting
Stanford/California (Oct 2015)
Slow, slower, and even slower electrons from strong-field ionization
with A Kästner und E Diesen
24th International Laser Physics Workshop
Shanghai/China (Aug 2015)
Higher-order and unconventional low-energy structures & Dynamical coupling of electrons and ions in Xray-induced dynamics
with E Diesen and A Camacho
XXIXth International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC)
Toledo/Spain (Jul 2015)
Slow, slower, and even slower electrons from strong-field ionization
with A Kästner und E Diesen
NORDITA Program "Control of Ultrafast Quantum Phenomena"
Stockholm/Sweden (Jun 2015)
Classification of scattering images with diffusion map
with M Winter
NORDITA Program "Control of Ultrafast Quantum Phenomena"
Stockholm/Sweden (May 2015)
Classification of scattering images with diffusion maps
with M Winter
36th Workshop "Extreme Atomic Systems"
Riezlern/Austria (Feb 2015)
Orientation recovery for scattering images
with M Winter
Roundtable "Big data"
Tübingen (Jan 2015)
Higher-order and unconventional low-energy structures
with A Kästner und E Diesen
International Workshop on Atomic Physics
Dresden (Nov 2014)
X-ray driven electron and ion dynamics in atomic and molecular clusters
with Ch Gnodtke, P Di Cintio and A Camacho
Bothe Colloquium at MPI-K
Heidelberg (Nov 2014)
The envelope Hamiltonian for electron interaction with ultrashort pulses
with K Toyota and J M Rost
2nd XLIC General Meeting
Gdansk/Poland (Sep 2014)
Electron spectra from clusters exposed to intense X-ray pulses
with Ch Gnodtke and A Camacho
Seminar talk "Nano and molecular physics" (Albert Ludwigs University)
Freiburg i. Br. (Aug 2014)
X-ray driven electron and ion dynamics in atomic and molecular clusters
with Ch Gnodtke, P Di Cintio and A Camacho
Physikalisches Kolloquium (The University of Rostock)
Rostock (Jun 2014)
X-ray driven electron and ion dynamics in atomic and molecular clusters
with Ch Gnodtke, P Di Cintio and A Camacho
CFEL Colloquium
Hamburg (May 2014)
Revealing Xray-driven dynamics in clusters and C60 from electron spectra
with Ch Gnodtke & A Camacho
1st Meeting of the XLIC Working Group 2
Port-en-Bessin/France (Feb 2014)
Studying many-particle dynamics with photo-electron spectra
with Ch Gnodtke & A Camacho
5th International Workshop on Science with FELs
Schloss Ringberg (Feb 2014)
Spatial correlations uncovered with kinetic-energy spectra
35th Workshop "Extreme Atomic Systems"
Riezlern/Austria (Feb 2014)
Revealing dynamics from electron spectra without a streak-camera
with A Camacho
International Workshop on Atomic Physics
Dresden (Nov 2013)
Correlation effects in multiply-charged finite systems
with P DiCintio & A Mikaberidze
Joint XLIC-CORINF Meeting
Madrid/Spain (Nov 2013)
Optical gain by interrupting the temporal evolution of a dipole
with J Herrmann
4th International Conference on Attosecond Physics
Paris/France (Jul 2013)
Ultrafast ionization triggering perfect Coulomb explosion
with Ch Gnodtke & A Mikaberidze
International Workshop on Quantum Fluid Clusters
Regensburg (Jun 2013)
Parallel ionization and Coulomb explosion: "Antibunching" and bunching
with Ch Gnodtke & A Mikaberidze
International Workshop on Atomic Physics
Dresden (Nov 2012)
Resolving the photo-effect in time
IMPRS Retreat 2012
Gut Frohberg (Sep 2012)
Resolving a single-photon transition in time
Seminar Graduiertenkolleg "Dynamics in New Light"
Berlin (Sep 2012)
Time-gated optical gain and loss
Workshop of the Max-Planck-Center for Attoscience
München (Jul 2012)
Effekte der Endlichkeit: Atomare Cluster in kurzen intensiven Laserpulsen
Physikalisches Kolloquium der TU Dresden
Dresden (Jun 2012)
"Multiphoton ionization" in extended systems
PhD School of the INT-network CORINF
Dresden (Jun 2012)
"The clover" or: Time-gated emission
Finite Systems Meeting
Dresden (May 2012)
Low-energy structure from soft recollisions: Basic mechanism and detection with few-cycle pulses
with A Kästner
COST 4th Annual Meeting
Cluj/Romania (Mar 2012)
Many-electron dynamics triggered by strong FEL pulses
with I Georgescu & Ch Gnodtke
DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2012
Stuttgart (Mar 2012)
Soft recollisions in laser-atom interaction
with A Kästner
33rd Workshop "Extreme Atomic Systems"
Riezlern/Austria (Feb 2012)
Electron-energy bunching in laser-driven soft recollisions
with A Kästner
International Workshop on Atomic Physics
Dresden (Nov 2011)
Formation of the low-energy structure in intense micrometer-wavelength pulses
with A Kästner
EMMI Workshop on "Non-Linear Dynamics of Simple Quantum Systems at Extreme Temperatures and Intensities"
Darmstadt (Nov 2011)
Electron spectra from clusters in short-wavelength laser pulses
with Ch Gnodtke & I Georgescu
JSPS-DFG Bilateral Seminar on "Use of X-ray Free Electron Lasers for Nano- and Life-Sciences"
Kyoto/Japan (Oct 2011)
Massively parallel ionization in ultra-short laser pulses
with Ch Gnodtke
International Workshop on "Structure and dynamics of nano-objects using short-wavelength radiation"
Kyoto/Japan (Oct 2011)
Massively parallel ionization in ultra-short laser pulses
with Ch Gnodtke
COST Workshop
Stockholm/Sweden (Sep 2011)
Non-adiabatic electron pumps: Rectification and current reversals
with A Croy
NORDITA Program "Studying Quantum Mechanics in the Time Domain"
Stockholm/Sweden (Sep 2011)
Coulomb complexes: Electron emission from clusters in strong FEL pulses
with Ch Gnodtke
DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2011
Dresden (Mar 2011)
Coulomb complexes: Ionization dynamics in FEL-driven clusters
with Ch Gnodtke
International Workshop on Atomic Physics
Dresden (Nov 2010)
Coulomb complexes: Ionization dynamics in FEL-driven clusters
with Ch Gnodtke & I Georgescu
COST 3rd Annual Meeting
Crete/Greece (Oct 2010)
Novel nanoplasmas
with V Averbukh, Ch Gnodtke, I Georgescu & P Di Cintio
Joint CPTS/BMS Workshop on "Science with FEL radiation"
Schloss Reisensburg (Sep 2010)
Clusters in strong XUV and Xray pulses: Electron emission and proton ejection
with Ch Gnodtke, I Georgescu & P Di Cintio
International Conference on "Many-particle spectroscopy of atoms, molecules, clusters and surfaces"
Sendai/Japan (Sep 2010)
Nanoplasma dynamics in FEL-driven atomic clusters
with Ch Gnodtke, I Georgescu & P Di Cintio
KITP Conference "X-ray science in the 21st century"
Santa Barbara/California (Aug 2010)
Novel nanoplasma formation in doped helium droplets
with A Mikaberidze, Ch Gnodtke & P Di Cintio
10th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons (ECAMP)
Salamanca/Spain (Jul 2010)
Formation of novel nanoplasmas in atomic clusters
with Ch Gnodtke & I Georgescu
Seminar talk "Quantum optics and laser science " (Imperial College)
London/United Kingdom (Jun 2010)
Collisional auto-ionization of clusters exposed to intense X-ray pulses
with Ch Gnodtke
41stAnnual DAMOP Meeting
Houston/Texas (May 2010)
Formation of novel nanoplasmas in atomic clusters
with Ch Gnodtke & I Georgescu
Seminar talk "Attosecond physics" (University College)
London/United Kingdom (May 2010)
Formation of novel nanoplasmas in atomic clusters
with Ch Gnodtke & I Georgescu
Seminar talk "Non-equilibrium many-body dynamics"
Halle (Apr 2010)
Electron emission through collisional auto-ionization in FEL pulses
with Ch Gnodtke & I Georgescu
COST Workgroup Meeting
Trieste/Italy (Apr 2010)
Formation of novel nanoplasmas in clusters using FELs
with Ch Gnodtke & I Georgescu
International Workshop on Science with FELs -- From First Results to Future Perspectives
Schloss Ringberg (Mar 2010)
Core-shell systems in strong X-ray pulses
with A Mikaberidze & Ch Gnodtke
Theory Days on Biomolecule Irradiation
Toulouse/France (Dec 2009)
Fast electron migration in finite systems exposed to intense attosecond and XFEL pulses
with A Mikaberidze & Ch Gnodtke
Frontiers in Optics 2009 & Laser Science XXV
San Jose/California (Oct 2009)
Ultraschnelle Plasmabildung in atomaren Clustern
with Ch Gnodtke
Clustertreffen 2009
Herzogenhorn (Oct 2009)
Anomalous ultrafast nanoplasma formation in doped helium droplets
with A Mikaberidze
18th International Laser Physics Workshop
Barcelona/Spain (Jul 2009)
Ultrafast nano-plasma formation in doped helium droplets
with A Mikaberidze & Ch Gnodtke
International Workshop on "Quantum Fluid Clusters"
Dresden (May 2009)
Helium-embedded clusters in strong laser pulses: From “local ignition” to “global cooling”
with A Mikaberidze & Ch Gnodtke
Hauptvortrag auf der DPG-Frühjahrstagung
Hamburg (Mar 2009)
Nano-plasmas in laser-irradiated atomic clusters
Hamburg (Dec 2008)
Radiation damage of pure and embedded atomic clusters in strong X-ray pulses
with Ch Gnodtke
International Workshop on "Chemistry with Ultrashort Pulses and Free-Electron Lasers"
Bordeaux/France (Oct 2008)
Monitoring non-equilibrium nano-plasmas using attosecond pump-probe schemes
with I Georgescu
11th International Conference on Multiphoton Processes (ICOMP)
Heidelberg (Sep 2008)
Atomic Clusters in Intense Laser Pulses: From Infrared to Xray Radiation
with Ch Gnodtke
International Workshop on "Time-Resolved X-Ray Dynamics"
Dresden (Aug 2008)
Intense laser-cluster interaction: Efficient ion and electron acceleration
International Symposium "Topical Problems of Nonlinear Wave Physics" (Seminar "Physics of Extreme Light")
Volga (near Nizhny Novgorod)/Russia (Jul 2008)
Rescattering in strong fields: From atoms to clusters
17th International Laser Physics Workshop
Trondheim/Norway (Jul 2008)
Laser-driven rescattering for atomic clusters
3rd International Symposium "Atomic Cluster Collisions: Structure and dynamics from the nuclear to the MesoBioNano scale"
St.Petersburg/Russia (Jun 2008)
Ultrafast collectivity in finite systems
International Workshop on Chaos and Collectivity in Many-Body Systems
Dresden (Mar 2008)
Tracing ion charging and electron plasma formation in atomic clusters driven by strong VUV laser pulses
29. Tagung "Energiereiche atomare Stöße"
Riezlern/Austria (Feb 2008)
Atomic clusters in strong laser pulses: From Coulomb explosion to strongly-coupled plasmas
Seminar John-von-Neumann-Institut für Computing
Jülich (Nov 2007)
Laser-driven dynamics of atomic clusters: Absorption mechanisms and transient charging
Indo-German Meet on Intense Laser Matter Interactions
Mumbai/India (Oct 2007)
Attosecond resolved charging of clusters
International Workshop and 391st Heraeus-Seminar ''Attosecond Physics''
Dresden (Aug 2007)
Non-equilibrium dynamics in cluster plasmas
390th Heraeus-Seminar ''Strongly coupled plasmas''
Bad Honnef (Jul 2007)
Fast electrons from rescattering in laser-cluster interaction
28. Tagung "Energiereiche atomare Stöße"
Riezlern/Austria (Jan 2007)
Cluster ionization by intense femtosecond laser pulses
Seminar ULTRA am Institut für Physik der Universität
Kassel (Oct 2006)
Atomic clusters in strong X-FEL pulses
with Ch Gnodtke
MPG-Experiments at Free Electron Lasers
Heidelberg (Sep 2006)
Clusters in intense laser pulses: From infrared to X-Ray radiation
Attosecond Science Program of the KITP @ UCSB
Santa Barbara/California (Sep 2006)
Atomic clusters in strong laser pulses: Energy spectra of emitted electrons and ions
with Md R Islam
Hauptvortrag auf der DPG-Frühjahrstagung im Maria Goeppert-Mayer Symposium
Frankfurt/M (Mar 2006)
Modeling interaction of short wavelength radiation with clusters
European X-FEL workshop ''High Energy Density Science and Non-Linear X-ray Processes''
Paris/France (Nov 2005)
Non-equilibrium electron transport: Imaging electronic states of supported fullerenes
with M de Menech & M E Garcia
Seminar ''Kondensierte Materie'' der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technische Hochschule
Aachen (Nov 2005)
Microscopic dynamics of atomic clusters in strong laser pulses
with Md R Islam
International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering
Loutraki/Greece (Oct 2005)
Non-equilibrium electron transport: Imaging electronic states of supported clusters/fullerenes
with M de Menech & M E Garcia
Clustertreffen ''Cluster als molekulare Nanostrukturen''
Bad Herrenalb (Sep 2005)
Non-equilibrium electron transport through clusters at surfaces
Seminar Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física da UFPR
Curitiba/Brasil (Jul 2005)
Ionization dynamics of atomic clusters in intense laser pulses
XXIVth International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC)
Rosario/Argentina (Jul 2005)
Non-equilibrium electron transport through clusters at surfaces
with M de Menech & M E Garcia
Seminar im Graduiertenkolleg 567 ''Stark korrelierte Vielteilchensysteme''
Rostock (Jun 2005)
Dynamics of atomics clusters in strong femtosecond laser pulses
with J M Rost
340th Heraeus-Seminar ''High-Field Attosecond Physics''
Obergurgl/Austria (Jan 2005)
Interaction of strong X-ray lasers with rare-gas clusters
International Conference on Electron and Photon Impact Ionization and Related Topics
Louvain-la-Neuve/Belgium (Jul 2004)
Dynamics of rare-gas clusters in strong laser pulses
Seminar SFB 450 ''Analyse und Steuerung ultraschneller photoinduzierter Reaktionen''
Berlin (May 2004)
Edelgascluster in kurzen intensiven Laserpulsen
Hauptvortrag auf der DPG-Frühjahrstagung
München (Mar 2004)
Rare gas clusters in strong X-ray pulses
ESF-Workshop ''New European VUV and X-FEL sources''
Berlin (Dec 2003)
Kollektive Dynamik der Clusterionisation in intensiven Laserpulsen
312th Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Seminar ''Freie und deponierte Cluster''
Brand/Austria (Oct 2003)
Atoms and clusters in strong X-ray pulses
Fachvortag auf der DPG-Frühjahrstagung
Hannover (Mar 2003)
Argon clusters in strong laser pulses: From optical to X-ray wavelengths radiation
DESY Seminar
Hamburg (May 2002)
Non-adiabatic quantum molecular dynamics: Applications and theory
with R Schmidt
MPIPKS research seminar ''Quantum Dynamical Concepts: From Diatomics to Biomolecules''
Dresden (Apr 2002)
Rare gas clusters subjected to X-FEL radiation
ESF Laser Workshop ''Atomic Physics with High-Frequency Short-Pulse Sources''
Lund/Sweden (Mar 2002)
High-frequency high-intense laser interactions with atomic clusters
International Workshop on Atomic Physics
Dresden (Dec 2001)
Non-adiabatic quantum molecular dynamics of ion-cluster collisions
Colloquium Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut
Groningen/Netherlands (May 2001)
Reaction dynamics of metallic clusters colliding with atoms
5th European Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics
Uppsala/Sweden (Apr 2000)
Non-adiabatic quantum molecular dynamics of ion-cluster collisions
Colloquium Manne-Siegbahn-Laboratory
Stockholm/Sweden (Feb 2000)
Competing reaction mechanisms in atom-cluster collisions
with R Schmidt
XXIth International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC)
Sendai/Japan (Jul 1999)
Molecular dynamics combined with time-dependent density functional theory:
with R Schmidt
Workshop on Time-dependent Density Functional Theory
Santa Barbara/California (Apr 1999)
Role of electron-vibration coupling in atom-cluster collisions
with R Schmidt
International Cluster Workshop
Berlin (Nov 1998)
Excitation and relaxation in metal-cluster collisions
with R Schmidt
Workshop on Dynamics of Clusters
Sønderborg/Denmark (Jun 1998)
Non-adiabatic cluster collisions
with O Knospe, R Schmidt
XVth International Seminar on Ion-Atom Collisions (ISIAC)
Budapest/Hungary (Jul 1997)
Non-adiabatic Quantum Molecular Dynamics for Atomic Clusters
with R Schmidt
International Cluster Workshop
Grenoble/France (Feb 1996)
Chaotische Streuung an nichtüberlappenden Potentialen
with W John & H Schanz
14. Tagung "Energiereiche atomare Stöße"
Riezlern/Austria (Feb 1993)