Prof. Ingrid Rotter

Recent publications

Reviews (in peer-reviewed journals)

  • A review of progress in the physics of open quantum systems: theory and experiment
    I. Rotter and J.P. Bird
    Rep. Prog. Phys. 78 (2015) 114001 (37pp)
  • A non-Hermitian Hamilton operator and the physics of open quantum systems
    I. Rotter
    J. Phys. A 42 (2009) 153001 - 1-51 (Topical Review)
  • Dynamics of quantum systems embedded in a continuum
    J. Okolowicz, M. Ploszajczak and I. Rotter
    Physics Reports 374 (2003) 271 - 383
  • A continuum shell model for the open quantum mechanical nuclear system
    I. Rotter
    Rep. Prog. Phys. 54 (1991) 635 - 682
  • Clustereigenschaften leichter Kerne
    I. Rotter
    Fortschritte der Physik 16 (1968) 195 - 259

Publications (in peer-reviewed journals)

Publications according to E-print-Datenbank (1997 - 2004)

mpi-pks/9702020 [] :
Title: Correlations between resonances in a statistical scattering model
Author: Gorin, T. ; F.-M. Dittes ; M. Muller ; I. Rotter and T. H. Seligman
Comments: Physical Review E 56 (1997) 2481 - 2491

mpi-pks/9708011 [ src ] :
Title: Resonance trapping and saturation of decay widths
Author: Persson, E. ; T. Gorin and I. Rotter
Comments: Physical Review E 58 (1998) 1334 - 1345

mpi-pks/9808013 [] :
Title: Resonance trapping in quantum systems
Author: Rotter, I. and M. Muller
Comments: In: Proc. of the I.-V. Workshop on Nonequilibrium Physics at Short Time Scales. Ed. by K. Morawetz. Rostock, 1998. S. 109 - 112

mpi-pks/9808014 [] :
Title: Phase transitions in open quantum systems
Author: Muller, M., C. Jung and I. Rotter
Comments: In: Proc. of the I.-V. Workshop on Nonequilibrium Physics at Short Time Scales. Ed. by K. Morawetz. Rostock, 1998. S. 105 - 108

mpi-pks/9803017 [] :
Title: Critical phenomena in open quantum systems and collective excitations
Author: Rotter, I.
Comments: Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 48(1998) 858 - 861

mpi-pks/9804006 [ ps, Figs. (tar-file) ] :
Title: The 4hw isoscalar monopole giant resonance in 208Pb and resonance trapping
Author: Muraviev ; I. Rotter ; S. Shlomo and M.H. Urin
Comments: Phys. Rev. C 59 (1999) 2040 - 2047

mpi-pks/9804014 [ ps, Figs. (tar-file) ] :
Title: Phase transitions in open quantum systems
Author: Jung, C. ; M. Muller and I. Rotter
Comments: Phys. Rev. E 60 (1999) 114 - 131

mpi-pks/9805005 [ ps, Figs. (tar-file) ] : 

Title: Collectivity, phase transitions and exceptional points in open quantum systems
Author: Heiss, W.D. ; M. Muller and I. Rotter
Comments: Phys. Rev. E 58 (1998) 2894 - 2901

mpi-pks/9805007 [ Figs (tar-file) ] : 
Title: Interfering resonances in a quantum billiard
Author: Persson, E. ; K, Pichugin ; I. Rotter and Seba
Comments: Phys. Rev. E 58 (1998) 8001 - 8004

mpi-pks/9805019 [] : 
Title: Interfering states and narrow resonances at high excitation energy
Author: Muller, M. ; S.E. Muraviev ; I. Rotter and V.V. Sokolov
Comments: IL Nuovo Cimenta 111 A (1998) 705 - 708

mpi-pks/9805021 [] :
Title: Phase transitions at high level density and giant resonances in hot nuclei
Author: Rotter, I.
Comments: Acta Physica Polonica B 29 (1998) 3493 - 3501

mpi-pks/9806017 [] : 
Title: Strong Laser Field Effects in Spectral Lines of Autoionizing Atomic States
Author: Magunov, A.I. ; M. Muller ; I. Rotter and S.I. Strakhova
Comments: Laser Physics 9 (1999) 407 - 412

mpi-pks/9807007 [ ps, figures (tar-file) ] : 
Title: Doorway concept at high excitation energy
Author: Persson, E. and I. Rotter
Comments: Phys. Rev. C 59 (1999) 164 - 171

mpi-pks/9808018 [] : 
Title: Strong laser field effects in autoionization
Author: Magunov, A.I.; I. Rotter and S.I. Strakhova
Comments: J. Phys B 32(1999) 1489 - 1505

mpi-pks/9810009 [] :
Title: Laser induced resonance trapping in atoms
Author: Magunov, A.I. ; I. Rotter and S.I. Strakhova
Comments: J. Phys. B 32(1999) 1669 - 1684

mpi-pks/9902010 []:
Title: Trapping effect and high-lying single-particle modes
Author: Stoyanov, Ch. ; I. Rotter and N. Van Giai
Comments: Phys. Rev. C 60 (1999) 4321-1 - 4321-8


mpi-pks/9906007 [ ps ]: 
Title: Collective modes in an open microwave billiard
Author: Seba, P., I. Rotter, M. Muller, E. Persson and K. Pichugin
Comments: Phys. Rev. E 61 (2000) 66 - 70

mpi-pks/9907007 []: 
Title: Open microwave cavities
Author: Seba, P., I. Rotter, M. Muller, E. Persson and K. Pichugin
Comments: Physica E 9 (2001) 484 - 487

mpi-pks/9909006 []: 
Title: Spectroscopic studies in open quantum systems
Author: Rotter, I.
Comments: Dokladi na BJaD 5(2000) 128 - 135

mpi-pks/9909010 []: 
Title: Globally collective effects in open quantum systems
Author: Muller,M., W.D. Heiss, C. Jung and I. Rotter
Comments: Physica E 9 (2001) 509 - 512

mpi-pks/9910016 []: 
Title: Avoided level crossing and population trapping in atoms
Author: Magunov, A.I., I. Rotter and S.I. Strakhova
Comments: Physica E 9 (2001) 474 - 477

mpi-pks/0001006 []: 
Title: Statistical aspects of nuclear coupling to continuum
Author: Drozdz, S., Okolowicz, M. Ploszajczak and I. Rotter
Comments: Phys. Rev. C 62 (2000) 024313-1 - 024313-4

mpi-pks/0003006 []: 
Title: Spectroscopic studies in open quantum systems
Author: Rotter, I., E. Persson, K. Pichugin and P. Seba
Comments: Phys. Rev. E 62 (2000) 450- 461

mpi-pks/0003015 []: 
Title: Observation of resonance trapping in an open microwave cavity
Author: Persson, E., I. Rotter, H.-J. Stockmann and M. Barth
Comments: Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 (2000) 2478 - 2481

mpi-pks/0007003 []: 
Title: Correlations in quantum systems and branch points in the complex plane
Author: Rotter, I.
Comments: Phys. Rev. C 64 (2001) 034301-1 - 034301-6

mpi-pks/0007006 []: 
Title: Laser-induced continuum structures and double poles of the S-matrix
Author: Magunov, A.I.; I. Rotter and S.I. Strakhova
Comments: J. Phys. B 34 (2001) 29 - 47

mpi-pks/0009007 []:
Title: Dynamics of quantum systems
Author: Rotter, I.
Comments: Phys. Rev. E 64 (2001) 036213-1 - 036213-12

mpi-pks/0104013 []: 
Title: Whispering gallery modes in open quantum billiards
Author: Nazmitdinov, R.G., K.N. Pichugin, I. Rotter and P. Seba
Comments: Phys. Rev. E 64 (2001) 056214-1 - 056214-5

mpi-pks/0109022 []:
Title: Branch points in the complex plane and geometric phases
Author: Rotter, I.
Comments: Phys. Rev. E 65(2002) 026217-1 - 026217-5

mpi-pks/0109027 []: 
Title: Avoided Crossing in Laser-Induced Continuum Structures
Author: Magunov, A.I., I. Rotter and S.I. Strakhova
Comments: Laser Phys. 12 (2002) 429 - 434

mpi-pks/0111008 []:
Title: Conductance of Open Quantum Billiards and Classical Trajectories
Author: Nazmitdinov, R.G., K.N. Pichugin, I. Rotter and P. Seba
Comments: Phys. Rev. B 66, 085322-1 - 085322-13 (2002)

mpi-pks/0112014 []: 
Title: High-order Harmonic Generation in a Driven Two-level Atom: Periodic Level Crossings and Three-step Processes
Author: Figueira de Morisson Faria, C. and I. Rotter
Comments: Phys. Rev. A 66, 013402-1 - 013402-15 (2002)

mpi-pks/0112015 []: 
Title: Effective Hamiltonian for a Microwave Billiard with Attached Waveguide
Author: Stockmann, H.-J., E. Persson, Y.-H. Kim, M. Barth, U. Kuhl and I. Rotter
Comments: Phys. Rev. E 65, 066211-1 - 066211-10 (2002)

mpi-pks/0207009 [ ]:
Title: Dynamics of quantum systems embedded in a continuum
Author: Okolowicz, J., N. Ploszajczak and I. Rotter
Comments: Physics Reports 374 (2003) 271 - 383

mpi-pks/0208010 [ ps ]:
Title: Shot noise and transport in small quantum cavities with large openings
Author: Nazmitdinov, R.G., H.-S. Sim, H. Schomerus and I. Rotter
Comments: Phys. Rev. B 66 (2002) 241302(R)-1 - 241302(R)-4

mpi-pks/0212026 [ ]: 
Title: Exceptional points and double poles of the S matrix
Author: Rotter, I.
Comments: Phys. Rev. E 67 (2003) 026204-1 - 026204-5

mpi-pks/0212034 [ ]: 
Title: High-Order Harmonic Generation in a Driven Two Level Atom: An Analogy with the Three-Step Model
Author: Figueira de Morisson Faria, C. and I. Rotter
Comments: Laser Phys. 13 (2003) 985 - 994

mpi-pks/0301013 []:
Title: Dynamics of open quantum systems
Author: Okolowicz, J. , M. Ploszajczak and I. Rotter
Comments:In: Nonequilibrium physics at short time scales. Hrsg. v. K. Marawetz. Berlin: Springer, 2004; S.37 - 56

mpi-pks/0303004 []: 
Title: Effective Hamiltonian and unitarity of the S matrix
Author: Rotter, I.
Comments: Phys. Rev. E 68 (2003) 016211-1 - 016211-13

mpi-pks/0305003 []: 
Title: S-matrix theory for transmission through billiards in tight-binding approach
Author: Sadreev, A.F. and I. Rotter
Comments: J. Phys. A 36 (2003) 11413 - 11433

mpi-pks/0305005 []: 
Title: Fano resonances in the overlapping regime
Author: Magunov, A.I., I. Rotter and S. I. Strakhova
Comments: Phys. Rev. B 68 (2003) 245305-1 - 245305-6

mpi-pks/0307009 []: 
Title: Overlapping of Rydberg autoionizing states with a broad resonance in argon
Author: Magunov, A.I., I. Rotter and S.I. Strakhova
Comments: J. Phys. B 36 (2003) L401 - L408

mpi-pks/0312024 []: 
Title: Influence of branch points in the complex plane on the transmission through double quantum dots
Author: Rotter, I. and A.F. Sadreev
Comments: Phys. Rev. E 69 (2004) 066201-1 - 066201-14

mpi-pks/0402009 []: 
Title: Extension of R matrix theory
Author: Rotter, I.
Comments: Acta Phys. Polon. A 35 (2004) 1269 - 1281