Boundaries of quantum thermalization

PhD Retreat
21 - 23 January 2025

The behavior of (isolated) quantum many-body systems taken out-of-equilibrium is an open question of great interest for many experimental and theoretical studies. The DFG research unit FOR 5522 investigates this physics in a close collaboration between experiments using ultracold atoms and theoretical approaches. This PhD retreat is a platform to encourage discussions and networking between students from the FOR 5522 research unit. Two invited lectures will further students’ knowledge of current experimental developments and deepen their theoretical understanding of the field.

Topics include

  • out-of-equilibrium quantum many body systems
  • Hilbert space fragmentation
  • many body localization
  • quantum many body scars
  • kinetic constraints
  • numerical methods
  • ultracold quantum gases
  • quantum simulation
  • thermalization
  • ergodicity
  • eigenstate thermalization hypothesis

Invited Speakers and Lecturers

  • Philipp Preiss, MPQ Garching
  • Maxim Serbyn, IST Austria


SUPPORTED BY the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) via FOR 5522

Scientific Coordinators

Fabian Heidrich-Meisner
(Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, DE)

Daniel Adler
(Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik Garching, DE)

Suchita Agrawal
(Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik Garching, DE)


Mandy Lochar

(MPIPKS Dresden)


Registration is only possible for members of FOR5522 and invited speakers.

The registration link will be sent by email as participation will be possible upon invitation only.

Scientific Program

Program structure:

Monday 20th January - arrival (recommended)

Tuesday, 21st January - program start around morning/noontime

Thursday, 23rd January - noontime program closure & departure

The detailed program will be available by end November 2024, approximately.


How to reach us


Useful information for your way to the venue.

Contact Institute