A group of people standing in a hallway

Workshops & Seminars in the past


Interdisciplinary life of microbes: from single cells to multicellular aggregates (re-scheduled to 7-11 November 2022 due to covid19)

Scientific Coordinators: Liraz Chai, Elizabeth Shank, Vasily Zaburdaev
Organisation: Claudia Domaschkeweiterlesen

Probing complex quantum dynamics through out-of-time-ordered correlators (re-scheduled to 11-15 October 2021 due to covid19)

Scientific Coordinators: Rodolfo Jalabert, Klaus Richter
Organisation: Katrin Lantschweiterlesen
Virtual Workshop

Dynamics, Criticality, and Universality in Random Quantum Circuits

Scientific Coordinators: Michael Gullans, Jedediah Pixley, Romain Vasseur, Justin Wilson
Organisation: Visitors Programweiterlesen

QED Laser Plasmas (re-scheduled to 26-30 September 2022 due to covid19)

Scientific Coordinators: Antonino Di Piazza, Felix Mackenroth, Stuart Mangles, Mattias Marklund
Organisation: Maria Voigtweiterlesen
Virtual Workshop

Mesoscopic cold atom systems in and out of equilibrium

Scientific Coordinators: Doerte Blume, Thomas Busch, Artur Widera
Organisation: Mandy Locharweiterlesen

Extreme Waves (re-scheduled to 28 August - 1 September 2023 due to covid19)

Scientific Coordinators: Nail Akhmediev, Helmut Brand, Amin Chabchoub
Organisation: Claudia Domaschkeweiterlesen

Emergent hydrodynamics in condensed matter and high-energy physics (re-scheduled to 2-6 May 2022 due to covid19)

Scientific Coordinators: Andrey Gromov, Dam Son, Piotr Surowka
Organisation: Katrin Lantschweiterlesen
Seminar and Workshop

Inverse Network Dynamics - Network structure and function from nonlinear dynamics and time series data (re-scheduled to 12 - 21 September 2022 due to covid19)

Scientific Coordinators: Klaus Lehnertz, Mor Nitzan, Marc Timme
Organisation: Visitors Programweiterlesen
Seminar and Focus Workshop

Control of Ultrafast (Attosecond and Strong Field) Processes Using Structured Light (re-scheduled to 26 June - 14 July 2023 due to covid19)

Scientific Coordinators: Carlos Hernández-Garcia, Mikhail Yu. Ivanov
Organisation: Mandy Locharweiterlesen
Seminar and Workshop

Dynamics of Immune Repertoires: Exploration and Translation (re-scheduled to 4 - 29 July 2022 due to covid19)

Scientific Coordinators: Anne Eugster, Uri Hershberg, Michal Or-Guil, Gur Yaari
Organisation: Katrin Lantschweiterlesen
Focus Workshop

Physical Biology Circle Meeting (re-scheduled to 13 - 15 September 2021 due to covid19)

Scientific Coordinators: Frank Jülicher, Steffen Rulands
Organisation: Claudia Domaschkeweiterlesen

Chimera States: From Theory and Experiments to Technology and Living Systems (re-scheduled to 16-20 May 2022 due to covid19)

Scientific Coordinators: Jörn Davidsen, Yuri Maistrenko, Kenneth Showalter
Organisation: Maria Voigtweiterlesen
Virtual Workshop

Real-time Dynamics in Strongly Correlated Quantum Matter

Scientific Coordinators: Marcello Dalmonte, Markus Heyl, Francesco Piazza
Organisation: Visitors Programweiterlesen
Focus Workshop

Phase space analysis in complex systems - From quantum dynamics to turbulent flows (Canceled due to covid19)

Scientific Coordinators: Jörg Schumacher, Tobias Schneider
Organisation: Mandy Locharweiterlesen
Focus Workshop

Simulating Quantum Many-Body Systems on Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Computers (re-scheduled to 25 - 28 April 2022 due to covid19)

Scientific Coordinators: Mohammad Hafezi, Adam Smith
Organisation: Heike Waltherweiterlesen
Focus Workshop

Tensor product methods for strongly correlated molecular systems (re-scheduled to 8-11 March 2021 due to covid19)

Scientific Coordinators: Örs Legeza, Markus Reiher, Reinhold Schneider
Organisation: Claudia Domaschkeweiterlesen

Gapless Fermions - from Fermi liquids to strange metals

Scientific Coordinators: Subhro Bhattacharjee, Roderich Moessner, Aline Ramires
Organisation: Maria Voigtweiterlesen

Atomic Physics 2019

Scientific Coordinators: Jan-Michael Rost, Olga Smirnova
Organisation: Anna Repinaweiterlesen

Fluid Physics of Life

Scientfic Coordinators: Karen Alim, Eberhard Bodenschatz, Gerhard Gompper
Organisation: Maria Voigtweiterlesen

Dynamical Methods in Data-based Exploration of Complex Systems

Scientific Coordinators: Holger Kantz, Ulrich Parlitz, Arkady Pikovsky
Organisation: Mandy Locharweiterlesen

Korrelationstage 2019

Scientific Coordinators: Thierry Giamarchi, Corinna Kollath, David Luitz
Organisation: Katrin Lantschweiterlesen

Challenges in nanoscale Physics of wetting Phenomena

Scientific Coordinators: Shahriar Afkhami, Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman, Len Pismen
Organisation: Jenny Kühneweiterlesen
Seminar and Workshop

Quantum Criticality and Topology in Correlated Electron Systems

Scientific Coordinators: Andrey V. Chubukov, Dmitrii L. Maslov, Oskar Vafek
Organisation: Maria Voigtweiterlesen

Microscale Motion and Light

Scientific Coordinators: Thomas E. Mallouk, Roland Marschall, Juliane Simmchen
Organisation: Mandy Locharweiterlesen
Focus Workshop

Granular and Particulate Networks

Scientific Coordinators: Danielle S. Bassett, Karen E. Daniels, Mason A. Porter
Organisation: Katrin Lantschweiterlesen