Distinguished PKS Postdoctoral Fellows

Distinguished PKS Postdoctoral Fellows and Junior Professors

Distinguished PKS postdoctoral fellows conduct independent research which complements and adds to the variety of topics currently studied in the field of the physics of complex systems our institute. These positions are limited to three years. PKS fellows often leave the institute for a tenured academic university position worldwide. 

Current Distinguished PKS Postdoctoral Fellows

Dr. Daniel Maria Busiello
Dr. Li Ern Chern
Dr. Gianluca Teza

Former Fellows and their present position

Assistant Professor, OIST
Dr. Nazmi Burak Budanur
Private Sector
Lecturer, King's College London
Group Leader, MPI-PKS
Tenure track professor, Goethe University Frankfurt
Group leader, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villingen
Dr. Felix Mackenroth
Private Sector
Assistant professor, University of Houston
Associate Research Officer, ICTP Trieste
Dr. Robert Johne
Private Sector
Staff scientist, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Group leader, TU Dresden
Seniour Lecturer, Loughborough University
Reader, Imperial College London
Professor, Stockholm Univeristy
Professor, Imperial College London
Staff Scientist, TU Dresden
Associate Professor, TU Budapest
Professor, TU Darmstadt
Professor, Humboldt University, Berlin
Professor, University of Regensburg
Professor, University of Bayreuth
Reader, Queen Mary University of London
Professor, University of Hannover
Professor, Massey University
Professor, Saha Institute for Nuclear Physics

Junior Professors are appointed jointly by a German university where they teach, and by our institute from which their salary comes and where they conduct their research with access to all our facilities.

Former Junior Professor

moved to faculty position at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum