Registration: Please send an e-mail to:
Registration: Please send an e-mail to
Date: Monday, 16:40- 18:10
(can be changed upon request)
Room: The lecture will be held online
Location: MPI-PKS, Seminarroom 3
Time: Thursday 13:00 - 14:30
Femtosecond spectroscopy has become a standard tool to investigate the dynamics of molecular systems. In multidimensional femtosecond spectroscopy one uses several femtosecond pulses with varying time delay between them. In this lecture the basic formalism is derived and specific experimental techniques are discussed.
Content: Basic introduction; Coupled Maxwell-Liouville equations ; Non-linear polarization and response functions; Diagrammatic perturbation theory; “Double-sided Feynman diagrams” ; Fourier transform spectroscopy; Phase modulation spectroscopy
Introduction to optical and energy transfer properties of molecular aggregates
Here are some <link wwww lectures skript> lecture notes.
Non-linear optical spectroscopy is used in many areas of physics, chemistry and biology. It allows one to obtain information on quantum dynamics on the fs-scale. One of the prominent examples is the observation of long lasting coherent beatings in photosynthesis. In this lecture the basic formalism is derived and specific experimental techniques are discussed. <link wwww lectures> More information
Introduction to optical and energy transfer properties of molecular aggregates
Here are some <link wwww lectures skript> lecture notes.