Monday 13:30 - 14:30 / Seminar room 1D1 or guest house terrace
date | speaker | title |
3 February | Matt Eiles | New fun with Rydberg molecules |
10 February | Ulf Saalmann | Time delays in 1D: New insights in old problems |
17 February | Shunsuke Nishimura | Quantum droplets of the Bose-Bose mixture |
23 - 28 February | 45th EAS Meeting in Riezlern, Austria | |
3 March | Ronald Cárdenas | Convolutional neural networks for Hamiltonian reconstruction: Light-matter interactions |
17 March | William Freitas e Silva | Artificial neural networks and Monte Carlo methods applied in finite systems |
date | speaker | title | |
22 January | Wei-Han Li | Emergent Eigenstate Plateaus and Equilibration in 1D Quantum Lattice Gases | |
5 February | Taha Alper Yogurt | Spin-1 Quantum Droplets and Vortex Lattices in Binary Mixture Droplets | |
11 - 16 February | 44th EAS Meeting in Riezlern, Austria | ||
8 March | DPG SAMOP Practics talks | ||
18 March | Mykhaylo Khooma | Towards a high precision solution for generalized spheroidal wave equations: Applications to the long-range diatomics and ion-atomic scattering | |
25 March | Arkayjoti Maity | Spectral signatures of fermionized topological phases of interacting photons in a driven-dissipative nonlinear cavity array | |
8 April | Dr. Vijay Ganesh Sadhasivam | Information scrambling: a path integral perspective |
date | speaker | title |
12 - 17 February | 43th EAS Meeting in Riezlern, Austria | |
2 March | Mr. Siddhartha Nayak | Near-field scanning optical microscopy of topologically protected excitons in molecular aggregates Valley polarization in pristine graphene with linearly polarised laser pulses Competing Fermi-surface instabilities induced by cavity-mediated repulsive interactions |
5 - 10 March | DPG Spring Meeting Hannover | |
16 March | Dr. Hao Liang | Time Delays in Resonant Two-Photon Ionization |
23 March | Ms. Hsiao-Han (Grace) Chuang | From physical chemistry to more physical projects |
30 March | Mr. Sidharth Rammohan | Tailoring the Phonon Environment of Embedded Rydberg Aggregates |
6 April | Dr. Christian Johansen | Limit cycles and time crystals in ultracold atomic systems |
13 April | Mr. Adisorn Panasawatwong | Machine-learning-based complexity |
20 April | Philipp Stammer (ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences) | Quantum Optics meets Strong Field Physics |
27 April | Mr. Sebastian Gemsheim | The emergence of time with interactions in quantum (and classical) mechanics |
4 May | Mr. Siddhartha Poddar | Tomography with Machine Learning |
19 June | Mr. Benjamin Rabe | Semiclassical Diabatisation via Gaussian Process Regression |
26 June | Prof. Marcus Beims | Effect of finite-time Lyapunov fluctuations on the out-of-time-ordered correlator |
3 July | Mr. Mariano Bonifacio | Engineering cavity-mediated interactions in a cloud of ultracold atoms |
24 July | Mr. Alejandro Contreras | Normal quantum channels |
14 August | Mr. Juan Carlos Acosta Matos | Alkali-Ion Doped Helium Droplets at 0 K |
11 September | Mr. Aritra Mishra | Classification of noisy spectra using convolution neural networks |
18 September | Dr. Arlans De Lara | A spacetime-symmetric formalism in Quantum Mechanics and position as the independent variable |
25 September | Mr. Sajjad Azizi | Three Aspects of Photoionization in Ultrashort Pulses |
16 October | Dr. Ritesh Pant | Quantum dynamics of excitons in dynamical Rydberg and molecular aggregates |
23 October | Md Mursalin Islam | Non-equilibrium dynamics of scalar fields starting from non-thermal Fock states |
4 December | Juan Nicolas Moreno Tarquino | Stochastic unravelling of Lindblad equation for N coupled oscillators |
date | speaker | title |
27 January | Carlos Benavides Riveros | Excitations of Quantum Many-Body Systems via Purified Ensembles |
10 February | Joppe Widstam | Observation Selection Effects and the Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics |
13 -18 February | 42th EAS Meeting in Riezlern, Austria | |
24 February | Frederic Hummel | Precision spectroscopy of negative ion-resonances in rubidium |
5 May | Chuan Yu | High Harmonics Enhanced by Periodicity Breaks |
12 May | Jinbin Li | Impact of coherent phonon dynamics on high-order harmonic generation in solids |
19 May | Agata Wojciechowska | Large spin-orbit coupling as a source of Feshbach resonances in ultracold ion-atom mixtures |
23 June | Abhijit Pendse | Entanglement and decoherence of a system of Rydberg atoms and Bose-Einstein Condensate |
5 July | Ivan Liu | Complexity, environment, and future aesthetics |
7 July | Shiva Kant Tiwari | Dynamics of atoms within atoms |
4 August | Carlos Benavides Riveros | Universal Description of Quantum Correlations in Bosonic and Superconducting Systems |
18 August | Bertrand Georgeot | Chaos-assisted tunneling, from experimental resonances to quantum simulation (room: 1D1) |
25 August | Arkajyoti Maity | Complete absence of Anderson localization in a class of disordered aperiodic systems |
15 September | Weihan Li | Interaction-induced localization and constrained dynamics in polar lattice gases |
date | speaker | title |
28 January | Serguei Patchkovskii | Towards preparation and direct detection of a Kramers-Henneberger ground state in strong optical fields (an immodest theoretical proposal) |
11 February | Jonathan Dubois | Notebook articles: towards a transformative publishing experience in nonlinear science |
25 February | Thomas Niederprüm | 3D Long-Range Random Hopping |
4 March | Victor Bastides | Topology in manybody systems: An Archimedes screw for particles and quantum correlations |
11 March | Juan Carlos Acosta Matos | Trajectory-based modelling of the quantum dynamics of vibrational predissociation: Application to the Ar-Br2 (v = 24) complex |
25 March | Lamine Madjet | Hot carriers Relaxation Dynamics in Perovskite Materials |
8 April | Ting Yu | Geometric phase and geometric decoherence: From the quantum trajectory viewpoint |
15 April | Maximilien Barbier | Many-particle quantum backflow |
22 April | Klas Lindfors | Molecular nanostructures: light emission, detection, and strong coupling |
20 Mai | Jonathan Dubois Matthew Eiles | Making non-adiabatic photoionization adiabatic Topological states of a Rydberg composite |
27 Mai | Panos Giannakeas Petr Karpov Sajad Azizi | Photoionization fine structure in dilute ultracold gases Quantum droplet phases in multimode optical cavities Controlling non-adiabatic ionization with shaped ultra-short laser pulses |
15 July | Viktor Ivády | First principles and quantum dynamics simulation of point defect qubits in semiconductors - Part I |
12 August | Viktor Ivády | First principles and quantum dynamics simulation of point defect qubits in semiconductors - Part II |
30 September | Sidhartha Nayak | Near-field scanning optical microscopy of molecular aggregates: the role of light polarization |
18 November | Joppe Widstam | Observation Selection Effects and the Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics |
25 November | Farhad Taher-Ghahramani | Gaussian Process Regression for Absorption Spectra Analysis of Molecular Dimers |
9 December | Črt Lozej | Exploring quantum chaos and localization with quantum billiards |
date | speaker | title |
20 January | Jonathan Dubois | Electron dynamics for atoms driven by intense and elliptically polarized laser pulses |
3 February | Francesco Piazza | Spectral features of generic open quantum many-body systems |
10 February | Sajjad Azizi | Non-adiabatic photo-ionization with shaped pulses |
26 June | Gabriel Lando | Quantum-chaotic evolution reproduced from effective regular trajectories (ZOOM) |
9 July | Panagiotis Giannakeas | The Haiku physics of dressed ion-pair states in Rydberg molecules |
30 July | Jesús Pérez Ríos | A data-driven approach to molecular spectroscopy (ZOOM) |
6 August | Felix Mackenroth | Turning up the heat in QED - pair production in thermal fields |
20 August | Carlos Benavides-Riveros | One-body methods in quantum mechanics: recent results for bosons and superconductors |
3 September | Tyler Sutherland | Improving how we use quantum computing platforms (ZOOM) |
10 September | Ghassan Abumwis | Excition states in a frozen Rydberg gas |
17 September | Lipeng Chen | From semiclassical to full dynamics: the Gaussian basis methods (ZOOM) |
1 October | Ulf Saalmann | Does streaking measure time delays? |
8 October | John Briggs | The doors of perception |
15 October | Felix Thiel | Non-Hermitian and Zero limit of the quantum first detection problem (ZOOM) |
29 October | Simos Mistakidis | Pump probe spectroscopy of Bose polarons (ZOOM) |
5 November | Chris Wächtler | Self-oscillation, synchronization, topology and thermodynamics - the electron shuttle revisited (ZOOM) |
12 November | Chuan Yu | High harmonic generation in finite extended systems: Rescattering of delocalized electrons |
19 November | Xing Gao | Simulating two-dimensional spectra via quasiclassical mapping hamiltonian methods (ZOOM) |
3 December | Graham Brown | In Situ techniques and recollision in complex systems (ZOOM) |
10 December | Dario Egloff | Can a quantum random walk be simulated classically? (ZOOM) |
date | speaker | title |
14 January | Werner Koch (Weizmann Institute) | A complex classical three step model of tunnel ionization and high harmonic generation |
21 January | Hamed Koochaki Kelardeh | Ultrafast kinetics in two-dimensional crystals: topological phenomena |
28 January | Petr Karpov | New scenario for crystallization induced by the light-mediated sign-changing interaction |
18 March | Lázaro Alonso Silva | Embedded beta-skeletons graphs within a unit square |
27 May | Panagiotis Giannakeas | Non-adiabatic phenomena in ultracold gases |
9 September | Abbas Chimeh (Univ. Oldenburg) | Plasmonic nanofocusing spectral interferometry |
16 September | Johannes Lang | Interaction-induced transparency for strong-coupling polaritons |
30 September | Christian Johansen | Multimode interactions mediated by Floquet cavity photons |
7 October | Fulu Zheng | Excitonic wave function reconstruction from near-field spectra using machine learning techniques |
14 October | Cornelia Hofmann | Classical Trajectories for two-colour High Harmonic Generation: Of short, long and high-energy trajectories |
21 October | Chuan Yu | TDDFT model for high-order harmonic generation in bandgap systems |
28 October | Soumi Dutta | Strong field driven electron dynamics from a static potential |
4 November | Matthew Eiles | Localization (or not) in Rydberg systems |
11 November | Yi-Jen Chen | Optimizing hole coherence in attosecond photoionization |
25 November | Bernhard Frank | Fermionic criticality out-of-equilibrium |
2 December | Sajal Kumar Giri | Purifying noisy observables with deep learning |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
date | speaker | title |
15 January 2018 | Hon-Wai Lau | Chimera patterns in conservative systems and ultracold atoms with mediated nonlocal hopping |
29 January | Felix Mackenroth | Determining the duration of an intense laser pulse directly in focus |
5 February | Lázaro Alonso Silva | Eigenvalue determination for mixed quantum states using overlap statistics |
12 February | Xing Gao | Near-field spectroscopy of nanoscale aggregates |
26 March | Christopher Bentley | Quantum simulation using Rydberg atoms |
9 April | Bill Poirier (Texas Tech University) | Quantum mechanics without wavefunctions |
30 April | Fermin Rodriguez-Hernandez | Electrocatalytic properties of TiO2-based clusters for water decomposition |
14 May | Sajal Kumar Giri | Learning strong-field optimal control landscape using an artificial neural network |
28 May | Jad Halimeh | Dynamical quantum phase transitions at finite temperature |
11 June | Kanupriya Sinha | Tailoring Casimir-Polder interactions in nanophotonic systems |
09 July | Jonathan Dubois (Aix Marseille Université | Guiding-center motion for electrons in strong laser fields |
23 July | Matthew Eiles | Rydberg atoms and their interactions with other atoms, electrons, and even with nothing
17 September | Chi-Hui Chou | Attosecond streaking in noble-gas atoms |
24 September | Igor Ivanov IBS Gwangju, Korea | Instantaneous ionization rate as a functional derivative and strong filed approximation as an evolutionary equation |
8 October | Tomasz Wasak | Quantum Bose-Bose droplets at a dimensional crossover |
29 October | Fulu Zheng | Engineering photon delocalization in a Rabi dimer with a dissipative bath |
5 November | Yurii Dumin and Nenad Simonovic | Thermodynamics of the correlated ultracold plasmas Dynamic Stark shift as a tool for quantum control in selective multiphoton ionization |
3 December | Kieran Fraser | Quantum nonlinear optics using hybrid light |
10 December | Sebastian Gemsheim | High harmonic generation with twisted electrons |
17 December | Thomas Stielow Universität Rostock | Neural networks for reconstruction of nanoclusters from soft x-ray scattering images |
date | speaker | title | |
09 January 2017 | Mehrdad Baghery | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_baghery.html>Dynamic interference in hydrogen atom | |
16 January | Luis Ardila | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_ardila.html>Bose Polarons | |
23 January | Felix Mackenroth | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_mackenroth.html>Intense laser-matter interaction - From ion acceleration to nonlinear QED | |
30 January | EAS - Extreme Atomic Systems | ||
06 February | Sergei Popruzhenko | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_popruzhenko.html>Manipulating of photoelectron currents by bichromatic laser fields: A way to the generation of coherent THz light pulses | |
13 February | Sajal Kumar Giri | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_sajal.html>Single-photon ionization in intense, fluctuating pulses | |
20 February | DPG practice session | strong and/or high frequency fields, clusters | |
27 February | DPG practice session | molecules, cold atoms, etc. | |
27 March | Wildan Abdussalam | Noise resistant coupling between Rydberg atoms and a superconducting cavity via dipole-dipole interactions | |
03 April | Panagiotis Giannakeas | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_panos.html>Three-body recombination processes in ultracold heteronuclear systems: When Fano meets Efimov | |
10 April | Michael Buchhold (ITP Köln) | Absorbing state phase transitions in driven dissipative spin systems | |
22 May | Sergei Popruzhenko | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_popruzhenko2.html>Extremely strong magnetic fields generated in laser-plasma interactions: Is there a limit? | |
12 June | Liangwen Pi | tba | |
19 June | Himangshu Prabal Goswami | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_goswami.html>Photon emission pathways and thermodynamic properties of quantum junctions | |
7 August | Hongcheng Ni | Tunneling exit characteristics from classical backpropagation of an ionized electron wave packet | |
14 August | Friedrich Burger, Uni Freiburg | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_burger.html>Dispersion interactions between two small spheres in a medium | |
28 August | Liangwen Pi | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_liangwen.html>Discontinuities in the electromagnetic fields of vortex beams in the complex source-sink model | |
4 September | Kanupriya Sinha, IQOQI Innsbruck | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_sinha.html>Repulsive Casimir-Polder forces on a magnetic particle | |
11 September | David Schönleber | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_david.html>Modeling of singlet fission in weakly-interacting acene molecules | |
25 September | Koen van Kruining | Noninterfering superpositions of four, five and six plane waves | |
9 October | José Lebreuilly | <link mpi-doc rostgruppe abstract_lebreuilly.html>Stabilizing Mott-Insulator states of light via non-Markovian reservoirs: Toward the quantum simulation of zero temperature physics in optical devices | |
16 October | Lisa Ortmann | Emergence of a higher energy structure in inhomogeneous electric fields | |
20 November | Shunpike Sato (MPSD Hamburg) | Ab-initio simulation for attosecond spectroscopy of solids | |
4 December | Vasily Tulsky | Excitation of terahertz currents by two-color laser pulses interacting with atomic gases | |
11 December | Tomas Zimmermann | Attosecond streaking delays in molecules computed with the classical Wigner propagation method | |
20 December | Sebastian Gemsheim | High-harmonic generation with twisted wavepackets | 15 January 2018 | Hon-Wai Lau | Chimera patterns in conservative systems and ultracold atoms with mediated nonlocal hopping |
29 January | Felix Mackenroth | Determining the duration of an intense laser pulse directly in focus | |
5 February | Lázaro Alonso Silva | Eigenvalue determination for mixed quantum states using overlap statistics | |
12 February | Xing Gao | Near-field spectroscopy of nanoscale aggregates | |
26 March | Christopher Bentley | Quantum simulation using Rydberg atoms | |
9 April | Bill Poirier (Texas Tech University) | Quantum mechanics without wavefunctions | |
30 April | Fermin Rodriguez-Hernandez | Electrocatalytic properties of TiO2-based clusters for water decomposition | |
14 May | Sajal Kumar Giri | Learning strong-field optimal control landscape using an artificial neural network | |
28 May | Jad Halimeh | Dynamical quantum phase transitions at finite temperature | |
11 June | Kanupriya Sinha | Tailoring Casimir-Polder interactions in nanophotonic systems | |
09 July | Jonathan Dubois (Aix Marseille Université | Guiding-center motion for electrons in strong laser fields | |
23 July | Matthew Eiles | Rydberg atoms and their interactions with other atoms, electrons, and even with nothing
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
date | speaker | title | |
11 July | Qicheng Ning | Dynamics of the slow electrons from non-adiabatic transistions | |
18 July | Yongchang Zhang | Quantum simulation of nonlinear effects | |
15 August | Karsten Leonhardt | Interplay of excitation transport and atomic motion in flexible Rydberg aggregates | |
22 August | Alan Celestino | Changing the non-radiative decay rate via molecular aggregation | |
05 September | Abraham Camacho | Dynamics of highly charged finite systems induced by intense X-ray pulses | |
19 September | Alexis Chacon (ICFO, Barcelona) | Strong field processes driven by homogeneous and inhomogeneous fields | |
26 September | Callum Murray | Decoherence in a single photon switch | |
17 October | Maciej Spiewanowski (York University, Toronto) | Adiabatic-strong-field approximation | |
07 November | Jad Halimeh (LMU München) | Dynamical phase diagram of spin chains with long-range interactions | |
21 November | Perttu Luukko | Perturbation-induced quantum scars and Rydberg molecules | |
28 November | Workshop on Atomic Physics 2016 | ||
05 December | Christopher Bentley | Controlling trapped ions | |
12 December | Hoi-Kwan Lau | What is actually needed to quantum-compute with harmonic oscillators? |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
date | speaker | title | |
11 January | David Schönleber | Optomechanical interactions in non-Hermitian coupled resonates | |
25 January | Abraham Camacho | Multiple ionization in clusters by XFEL pulses | |
01 February | Daniel Viscor | Electromagnetically induced transparency in interacting Rydberg ensembles | |
08 February | Lukas Medisauskas | The role of coherent electronic-vibrational dynamics in the formation of continuum resonances | |
15 February | EAS meeting, Riezlern/Kleinwalsertal | ||
22 February | DPG practice | Hongcheng, Adrian, Daniel, Valentin, Wildan, Alan | |
29 February | DPG meeting AMOP, Hannover | ||
14 March | PanPan Zhang | Calculation of 2D electronic spectra using a stochastic Schroedinger equation approach | |
21 March | Armen Hayrapetyan | Structured relativistic quantum waves with topological singularities in intense laser fields | |
04 April | Tomas Zimmermann (ETH Zürich) | Computing the attosecond spectra with the classical Wigner method | |
11 April | Cornelia Hofmann | Non-adiabatic imprints on the electron wave packet in strong field ionization | |
18 April | Valentin Walther | Rydberg excitations in two-dimensional semiconductors | |
02 May | Andreas Rubisch | Strong field assisted XUV amplification in helium clusters | |
09 May | Armen Hayrapetyan | Relativistic electron and neutron vortex beams in intense lasers | |
30 May | Kamal P. Singh (IISER-MOHALI, India) | Universal long range nanometric bending of water by light | |
06 June | Koen van Kruining | Vortex structure of electrons in a magnetic field | |
13 June | Hongcheng Ni | Time delays in photoionization | |
20 June | Adrian Sanz Mora | Long-range interaction between a Rydberg state atom and a metallic nanoparticle | |
27 June | Bogdan Popescu | Efficient auxiliary-mode approach for time-dependent nanoelectronics |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
date | speaker | title | |
14 September | John Delos College of William & Mary | Ballistic atom pumps | |
21 September | Callum Murray | Single photon routing in Rydberg ensembles | |
28 September | Robert Johne | Strong optical nonlinearities induced by weakly interacting ions | |
05 October | Zengzhao Li | Efficiently solving spin-boson dynamics via non-Markovian quantum trajectories | |
12 October | Luis Pena Ardila University Trento | Ground-state properties of Polarons in a Bose-Einstein condensate using Monte-Carlo methods | |
02 November | Alexander Croy | Nonlinearities in nanomechanical graphene resonators: From Duffing oscillators to nonlinear phononics | |
Wednesday, 11 November | Timm Bredtmann | Strong field assisted XUV lasing in atoms and molecules | |
16 November | Norio Takemoto | Finding active subset of periodic von Neumann basis with biorthogonal exchange | |
25 November | Atomic Physics workshop | ||
30 November | Mehrdad Baghery | Finding the global minimum using Gaussian processes | |
07 December | Rostislav Arkhipov HU Berlin | Self-induced transparency mode-locking: How to overcome the gain linewidth limit on the pulse duration |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
date | speaker | title | |
09 March | DPG practice | Hongcheng Ni, Adrian, Karsten | |
16 March | DPG practice | Armen, David, Alan | |
23 March | DPG meeting Heidelberg | ||
30 March | Elias Diesen | Stark dynamics revealed by the zero-energy-structure in strong-field photoelectron spectra | |
13 April | Adrian Sanz Mora | Probing a nanomechanical oscillator with Rydberg excited atoms | |
20 April | Pan Pan Zhang | Calculation the 2D spectroscopy via the hierarchy of Pure state method | |
27 April | QiCheng Ning | Double ionization in short high-frequency pulses; Slow electrons from non-adiabatic transitions | |
04 May | Alexandra Landsman | Tunneling time in the adiabatic limit of strong field ionization | |
11 May | Armen Hayrapetyan | Instantaneous characteristics of light in time-dependent PT-symmetric optical potentials | |
18 May | Jian Cui Univ. Ulm | Robust control of long distance entanglement in disordered spin chains | |
01 June | Koen van Kruining | A non-paraxial theory for spin-to-orbit conversion | |
15 June | Laura Gil | Nonlinear tunneling in a Rydberg-dresssed optical lattice | |
22 June | Alan Celestino | Tuning the non-radiative lifetime of molecular aggregates via the dipole-dipole interaction | |
13 July | Bogdan Popescu Jacobs University Bremen | Time-dependent theories applied to change transport through molecular junctions | |
Tuesday 14 July | Hakob Avetisya Fed. Univ. of Minas Gerais | Higher order correlation beams in the atmosphere under stong turbulence | |
03 August | Ramy El-Ganainy | Supersymmetric laser arrays | |
10 August | Guang-Hao Shao Nanjing University | Domain engineered lithium niobate, a versatile platform for multifunctional photonic devices | |
17 August | Hongcheng Ni | Tunneling time delay studied by backward propagation |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
date | speaker | title |
1 September | Koudai Toyota | The envelope Hamiltonian for electron interacting with ultrashort pulses |
8 September | David Schoenleber | Quantum simulation of energy transport with embedded Rydberg aggregates |
15 September | Alexander Eisfeld | Non-Markovian quantum state diffusion |
22 September | Abraham Camacho | The role of charge transfer in XFEL diffractive imaging |
29 September | Jan Vorberger | Structure in warm dense matter |
06 October | Asaad Sakhel | Global and local condensate and superfluid fractions of a few hard core bosons |
13 October | Eric van der Wurff Universiteit Utrecht | Fluctuations in a Bose-Einstein condensate of light |
20 October | Defense Rick Muckherjee | |
27 October | Hashem Zoubi | Collective excitations in an atomic lattice coupled to a nanophotonic waveguide |
03 November | Sebastian Möbius | Heavy-tailed Levy-stable disorder in quantum aggregates |
10 November | Evangelos Siminos | Modelling ultrafast shadowgraphy for laser-wakefield acceleration experiments |
17 November | Christopher Gaul | Rydberg-Rydberg interaction under EIT condition |
1 December | Mickael Grech Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau | Creating (or not) electron-positron plasma collisions and shocks in the lab with lasers |
3 December | Veronica Baumann | Measurement-and-repreparation operations and causal separability for two laboratories |
15 December | Daniel Viscor | Electromagnetically induced transparency in interacting entangled media |
12 January 2015 | Norio Takemoto | Solving time-dependent Schrödinger equation in periodic von Neumann basis with biothogonal exchange |
19 January | Eduardo Zambrano | Blind spots between quantum states |
26 January | Rick van Bijnen | Quantum magnetism in optical lattices via enhanced Rydberg dressing |
09 February | Sebastian Wüster | Phase-imprinting of Bose-Einstein condensates with Rydberg impurities |
23 February | Robert Cameron | Discriminatory optical force for chiral molecules |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
date | speaker | title | |
10 March 2014 | Eduardo Zambrano EPFL Lausanne | From Loschmidt echo to time-resolved stimulated spectra calculations | |
Wednesday, 12 March | practice - DPG meeting Berlin | ||
Friday, 14 March | Tomotake Yamakoshi | Statistical evaluation of ultracold molecular fraction rate | |
17 March | DPG meeting Berlin | ||
31 March | Klaus von Haeften University of Leicester | Probing the structure and dynamics of weakly bound molecular clusters using rotational wavepackets | |
31 March | DPG meeting Dresden | ||
14 April | Wildan Abdussalam | Dynamics of dissipative spin lattices with power-law interactions | |
28 April | Rick Mukherjee | Ion transport in Rydberg lattices | |
5 May | Gunes Soyler | Many body physics with interacting photons | |
12 May | Robert Johne | Quantum nonlinear optics with an ion crystal in a cavity | |
22 May | Uta Naether Universidad de Zaragoza | Localization in open and closed arrays of nonlinear coupled quantum oscillators | |
2 June | Mehrdad Baghery | Introduction of a new Diffusion Monte Carlo method | |
23 June | Karsten Leonhardt | Switching exciton pulses through conical intersections | |
11 August | Dario Jukic | Propagation of light in an interacting Rydberg EIT medium | |
18 August | Valentin Walther Stony Brook University | Linear non-equilibrium physics from an inference perspective | |
25 August | Gaoyong Sun Universität Hannover | Exploring spin-orbital models with dipolar fermions and bosons in zigzag optical lattices |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
date | speaker | title | |
2 September | Fabian Maucher | Quasiperiodic oscillations and homoclinic orbits in the nonlinear nonlocal Schroedinger equation | |
9 September | Daw-Wei Wang National Tsing Hua University Taiwan | Quantum phase transitions of Rydberg-dressed Fermi gases | |
16 September | Darko Dimitrovski | Strong-field ionization of atoms and molecules in ultrafast scenarios | |
30 September | Qi-Cheng Ning | Attosecond streaking time-delay of H2+ | |
7 October | Christopher Gaul | Spin-dependent negative differential resistance in composite graphene superlattices | |
21 October | Elias Diesen | Very low energy photoelectrons in high-intensity IR laser fields | |
28 October | Anatoly A. Ignatov | Semiconductor superlattices as an active plasmon-polariton metamaterial for intense terahertz photons detection. | |
4 November | Pierfrancesco Di Cintio | Molecular hydrides clusters under intense X-FEL pulses | |
11 November | Jörg Götte | Weak measurements with fractional orbital angular momentum | |
18 November | Olena Ponomarenko | Effects of core-hole localization dynamics on time-dependent diffraction in pump-probe XFEL experiments | |
25 November | Atomic Physics Workshop | ||
9 December | Richard Wilhelm HZDR Rossendorf | Ion-Solid-Interaction with slow highly charged ions | |
13 January | Xiaoqing Wang | Using molecular dynamics simulation to obtain protein pigment interaction in photosynthetic pigment-protein complex | |
20 January 2014 | Armen Hayrapetyan Universität Heidelberg | Interaction of relativistic electron vortex beams with few-cycle laser pulses | |
3 February 2014 | EAS meeting Riezlern | ||
10 February 2014 | mpipks retreat | ||
17 February 2014 | Michael Genkin | Monitoring transport in Rydberg-aggregates with three-level detector atoms | |
24 February 2014 | Pablo Carlos Lopez | Dynamics of the quantum kicked oscillator coupled to a heat bath |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
date | speaker | title | |
14 January | Robert Johne | Light-matter interaction at the low photon-number level | |
21 January | Georg Bannasch | Relaxation processes in strongly coupled ultracold plasmas | |
28 January | Hashem Zoubi | Collective excitations of ultracold atoms in optical lattices | |
4 February | Belinda Kapidani | A view on Polymer Physics | |
11 February | EAS meeting Riezlern | ||
18 February | Martin Winter | Conditions for orientation recovery using diffusion map | |
25 February | DPG1: Gerhard, Jörg, Bas | ||
4 March | DPG2: Sebastian, Karsten | ||
12 March | Henri Vincenti | Attosecond light pulse generation on relativistic plasma mirrors | |
18 March | DPG Hannover | ||
25 March | Dario Jukic | Two topics from photonics: Flat surface band and 4D photonic lattices | |
8 April | Carlos Zagoya | Semiclassical description of quantum breathers | |
22 April | Kazimierz Lakomy Universität Hannover | Dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices | |
29 April | David Chapman AWE / University of Warwick | Modelling x-ray scattering from warm dense matter in non-equilibrium states | |
06 May | Felix Lucas | Adaptive resummation of Markovian quantum dynamics | |
Tuesday, 21 May | Mikhail Lemeshko ITAMP | Preparation of strongly-interacting states in ultracold gases using conservative and nonconservative forces | |
Thursday, 23 May | Ravi Rau Louisana State University | Explorations in quantum information | |
03 June | Ramy El-Ganainy | On-chip optical isolators | |
10 June | Fabio Cinti | Some updates on supersolidity | |
17 June | Jan Vorberger | A guide to temperature relaxation | |
24 June | mpipks Advisory Board | ||
1/8 July | Workshop on Ultracold Rydberg Physics | ||
29 July | Hongcheng Ni JILA, University of Colorado at Boulder | Double photoionization of the helium dimer: Mechanism and time-resolution using attosecond streak camera | |
2 August | Patrick Donnan Auburn University | Calculation of antihydrogen spectroscopy and cooling | |
5 August | Christian Knapp Universitaet Innsbruck | MD simulation of magnetized ultracold plasmas | |
6 August | Matt Coles University of East Anglia | Singular phase structure of nanoantenna systems | |
12 August | Callum Murray Durham | Dynamical Rydberg Crystallization | |
26 August | Alan Celestino | Nano-electromechanical rotor |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
date | speaker | title | |
20 August | Marko Gacesa | Feshbach resonances and charge-exchange in ultracold gases | |
27 August | Laura Gil | Many-body dynamics of Strontium Rydberg lattices | |
3 September | Karsten Leonhardt | Interplay of conical intersections and entanglement transport in two-dimensional flexible Rydberg aggregates | |
5 September | Stephanie Valleau | Reason is but choosing: On the alternatives for bath correlators and spectral densities from mixed quantum-classical simulations | |
24 September | Adrian Sanz | A laser-driven quantum control primer. Seeking an optimal pulse for a state to state transition | |
1 October | Sebastian Wüster | Monitoring exciton dynamics with EIT detection | |
8 October | Tommasa Macri | Excitations and instabilities in finite and long range bosonic systems | |
15 October | Jörg Götte | Skylight polarization or the Secrets of Viking navigation | |
22 October | Wolfgang Lechner Uni Innsbruck | Defect interactions and quantum glass transition in two dimensional crystals | |
29 October | Abraham Camacho | Fullerene electron spectra under intense XFEL pulses | |
12 November | Michael Genkin | A source for single Rydberg atoms with a KHz repetition rate | |
19 November | cancelled | ||
26 November | Workshop on Atomic Physics | ||
3 December | Marcus Beims | Ratchet transport and periodic structures in parameter space | |
18 December | Julia Link | Many-body tunneling in an optical lattice |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
5 September 2011 | Sebastian Wüster | Quantum effects in biological systems 2011 (conference summary | |
9 September | Peter Urban Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin | Reconstruction of planar surfaces from geodesic distances | |
12 Sept | Nils Henkel | Supersolids in Rydberg-dressed Bose-Einstein Condensates | |
19 Sept | Zachary Walters | Coherent quantum dynamics at ambient temperature in photosynthetic molecues | |
26 Sept | Georg Bannasch | Relaxation processes in ultracold plasmas | |
10 October | Michael Genkin | Can Schroedinger Cats live and die in Rydberg-blocked atomic clouds? | |
17 October | Karsten Leonhardt | Description of open quantum systems and equations of motion of higher moments in the Heisenberg picture | |
24 October | Fabian Maucher | Nonlinear waves in nonlocal nonlinear media | |
7 November | Pierfrancesco DiCintio | Relaxation of laser generated plasmas in clusters | |
11 November | Ivan Gonoskov Universität Erlangen | Tight focusing of short laser pulses in vacuum and its applications for high-intensity laser physics | |
15 November | Laura Gil KTH Stockholm | Meson-meson scattering at low energy | |
28 November | Abraham Camacho | Emission spectra from C60 under strong laser pulses | |
12 Decemberr | Alex Gibberd St Andrews, UK | Epilepsy prediction | |
9 January 2012 | Ulf Saalmann | Non-adiabatic rectification and current reversal in electron pumps | |
16 January | Sebastian Wüster | Macroscopic quantum self-trapping in dynamical tunneling | |
30 January | Fabio Cinti | Superfluidity and supersolidity in Rydberg atoms | |
13 February | Alexander Kästner | Electron-energy bunching in laser-driven soft recollisions | |
20 February | Tommaso Macri | Dynamics of cold Fermi gases in multiwell potentials | |
27 February | Carlos Zagoya | High harmonic generation via dominant interaction Hamiltonians | |
5 March | Milan Sindelka | Adiabatic approach to 1D bound state problems: A new analytical method superior to JWKB | |
6 March | Gunes Soyler ICTP Trieste | Quantum phases of lattice bosons | |
12 March | DPG meeting in Stuttgart | ||
19 March | Jan Vorberger University of Warwick | How to study Warm Dense Matter | |
26 March | Andre Eckart | Frustrated atoms run in circles: Engineering the kinetecs in optical lattices | |
2 April | Christian Köhler | Higher order Kerr terms vs. plasma: Saturation of the nonlinear refractive index | |
16 April | Zachary Walters | Propagating the time dependent Schroedinger Equation efficiently, accurately, and in parallel | |
23 April | Nils Henkel | Rydberg-dressed Bose-Einstein Condensates | |
2 May | Wildan Abdussalam University Wroclaw | Collective spontaneous emission from small QDs ensembles | |
7 May | Jörg Götte | Bridging different regimes: Polynomial solutions of wave equations in optics and quantum mechanics | |
14 May | Sebastian Möbius | Playtime with Rydberg atoms: Rydberg cannon and dressed cats | |
4 June | Gerhard Ritschel | Finite temperature absorption in the NMQSD approach - Introduction to thermofield dynamics | |
11 June | Mickael Grech | SQUASH - a particle-in-cell code for laser-plasma interaction under extreme-light conditions | |
18 June | Evangelos Siminos | When does an ultra-intense laser pulse propagate in a plasma? |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
date | speaker | title |
7 March 2011 | Alexander Kästner | Unconventional rescattering in strong long-wavelength pulses |
4 April | Sevilay Sevincli | Nonlinear optics in cold Rydberg gases |
7 April | Fabio Cinti University of Alberta, Canada | Supersolid phase of a Rydberg-blockaded dipolar gas |
11 April | Jörg Götte University Bristol | Weak values and the fine structure of reflection |
2 May | Sebastian Möbius | Correlated disorder in molecular aggregates |
9 May | Gerhard Ritschel | Energy transfer in molecular aggregates - Influence of a structured phonon environment at finite temperature |
16 May | Joachim Seibt | Signatures of dissipation and torsional motion in electronic 2D-spectra of a \pi-aggregated dimer |
23 May | Rejish Nath Gopnathan Rejani | Long-range effects in cold atomic gases |
30 May | Evangelos Siminos CEA, DAM, DIF, Arpajon, France | Linear stability of nonlinear waves in rarefied plasmas |
6 June | Myroslav Zapukhlyak | Angular anisotropy parameters in photoionization processes of spherical metallic cluster anions |
25 July | Stephan Hoyer University of California, Berkeley | Propagating quantum coherence for a biological advantage |
1 August | Hichem Eleuch | Analytical solutions to the Schroedinger equations of scattering problems |
8 August | no group meeting | |
15 August | Chengpu Liu MPI für Kernphysik Heidelberg | Strong field photoionization revisited by mid-infrared lasers |
19 August | Kazimierz Lakomy University Hannover | Spontaneous crystallization and filamentation of solitons in dipolar condensates |
22 August | Rashi Sachdeva | Density wave-supersolid and Mott insulator-superfluid phase transition in presence of gauge field |
24 August | Hayk Ishkhanyan Yerevan, Armenia | Above-barrier reflection of matter waves in the nonlinear Schroedinger equation approximation: Stationary solutions and absolute transmission resonances |
29 August | Martin Gerlach | Dominant interaction Hamiltonians |
Friday, 9 Sept | Peter Urban | tba |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
date | speaker | title |
04 October | Eduardo Roman | Self-avoiding random walks as models of linear polymers: Statistical properties and applications |
11 October | Rick Mukherjee | Coherent change transport in 1D optical lattice |
18 October | Michael Genkin | Environment-assisted entanglement of spatial modes in a Penning trap |
25 October | Woldemariam T Sintayehu | tba |
01 November | Alex Eisfeld | Are there differences between quantum and classical coherence in electronic energy transfer? |
08 November | Jan Roden | PTCDA oligomers in helium nanodroplets |
15 November | Sebastian Wüster | Entanglement transport and conical intersections in flexible Rydberg aggregates |
22 November | Workshop on Atomic Physics | |
29 November | Iris Reichenbach | Ultracold Rydberg molecules |
06 December | Rachel Nuter CEA, DAM, DIF, France | Field ionization in PIC codes and application to laser-accelerated ions |
06 January 2011 | Ionut Georgescu University of California, Irvine | Quantum dynamics in the condensed phase |
10 January 2011 | Alexis Diaz-Torres University of Surrey, UK | Quantum decoherence in low-energy nuclear reaction dynamics? |
17 January 2011 | Maryam Roghani Universität Freiburg | Dynamics of entanglement in a driven trapped ion |
31 January 2011 | Pierfrancesco DiCintio | Methane clusters under intense x-ray pulses |
21 February 2011 | Martin Winter | Diffraction patterns of ensembles of small molecules |
28 February 2011 | Milan Sindelka | Derivation of coupled Maxwell-Schrödinger equations describing matter-laser interaction from first principles of quantum electrodynamics |
7 March 2011 | Alexander Kästner | Unconventional rescattering in strong long-wavelength pulses |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
date | speaker | title |
Wednesday 20 January | Abraham Camacho National Polytechnic Inst. Mexico City | On a numerical method for particle size determination in polymer emulsions by means of dynamic light scattering |
25 January | Rejish Nath | 3D-roton excitation and supersolids in laser-driven Bose-Einstein Condensates |
8 February | Alex Eisfeld | tba |
15 February 11:00 | Elias Diesen University Stockholm | Lorentz and Fano lineshapes as limits in decay models with random interaction |
15 February 13:30 p.m. | Joachim Seibt Uni Wuerzburg | Theoretical investigations on the spectroscopy of molecular aggregates |
22 February | Christian Köhler | UV pulse compression in Xenon |
1 March | Weibin Li | Bound by reflection: Binding mechanisms of ultralong range Rydberg molecules |
22 March | Christian Lösche Friedrich Schiller-Univ. Jena | Numerical modeling of laser induced phase transitions in silicon |
29 March | Ihar Babushkin WIAS Berlin | Generation of terahertz radiation from ionizing two-color laser pulses |
12 April | Felix Dreisow University Jena | Waveguide lattices as a model system for solid state phenomena |
19 April | Robert Conte CEA, CMLA, France | New closed form traveling waves of the cubic-quintic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation |
3 May | Markus Müller University Innsbruck | tba |
10 May | Sebastian Wüster | Newton's cradle and entanglement in a flexible Rydberg chain |
17 May | Sang Wook Kim | Maxwell's demon in quantum wonderland |
31 May | Fabian Maucher | Nonlocal solitons |
12 July | Clemens Gneiting | tba |
26 July | Daniel Harbusch München | Radio frequency pulsed-gate charge spectroscopy on coupled quantum dots |
9 August | Ulrike Selig Universität Würzburg | Coherent two-dimensional spectroscopy |
23 August | Jad C. Halimeh MPIQ und LMU München | Photorealistic images of carpet cloaks |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
date | speaker | title |
12 October | Sevilay Sevincli | Non-linear optics in (non)-interacting Rydberg gas |
19 October | Felipe Morales Madrid | Double-photon double ionization of H2 using ECS and pump probe siumlations |
26 October | Emmanuel D'Humieres CELIA Bordeaux | Investigation of high intensity laser proton acceleration using low density targets |
09 November | Georg Bannasch | Rydberg atom formation in strongly correlated ultracold neutral plasmas |
16 November | Klaus Hornberger | Cohrence and decoherence in molecular systems |
09 December | Charles K. Rhodes University of Illinois-Chicago | Cryptographic treatment of the particle mass scale |
20 January | Abraham Camacho National Polytechnic Inst. Mexico City | On a numerical method for particle size determination in polymer emulsions by means of dynamic light scattering |
25 January | Rejish Nath | 3D-roton excitation and supersolids in laser-driven Bose-Einstein Condensates |
08 February | Alexander Eisfeld | tba |
15 February | Joachim Seibt Uni Würzburg | Theoretical investigations on the spectroscopy of molecular aggregates |
22 February | Christian Kö:hler | UV pulse compession in Xenon |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
date | speaker | title |
9 March | Roman Schmeissner | Photophysical study of photoinduced intramolecular electron transfer (PET) on Ru [...] complexes |
16 March | Nils Henkel TU Clausthal | Density functional theory and its application to antiproton-helium collisions |
23 March | Svitlana Bugaychuk Institute of Physics Kiev | The dissipative four-wave mixing model: Reductive perturbation to the complex Ginzburg Landau equation |
30 March | Ulrich Galster | Symmetry effects in predissociation of triatomic hydrogen |
20 April | Luke E Chipperfield Imperial College London | The perfect wave for maximising the energy of laser driven electron recollisions |
21 April | Iris Reichenbach University of New Mexico | Quantum control and quantum computing with alkali-earth-like atoms |
27 April | Roland Guichard | Study of Xenon and Neon irradiated by strong laser pulses: A TDDFT approach |
18 May | Weibin Li | Dephasing dynamics in dipole-blocked Rydberg atom ensembles |
03 June | Markus Mueller University Innsbruck | Digital quantum simulations with Rydberg atoms |
08 June | Jovica Stanojevic | Conical intersections of periodic potentials |
Monday, 22 June | Andrey Lyubonko | Collective modes in ultracold plasma |
Tuesday, 23 June | Pierfrancesco Di Cintio | Some aspects of relaxation in n-body dynamical systems: A numerical approach |
29 June | Myroslaw Zapukhlyak | Insights into the atomic many-particle dynamics of scattering processes via ab-initio calculations |
06 July | Alexey Mikaberidze | Atomic and molecular clusters under intense laser irradiation |
13 July | Christian Gnodtke | tba |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
date | speaker | title |
8 September | Shaohao Chen | Theoretical study on fully relativistic atomic structures and time-dependent wave-packet dynamics |
Tuesday 16 September | Ram Kuntal Hazra Kolkata, India | Quantum adiabaticity and artificial atoms |
29 September | Uwe Hergenhahn MPI for Plasma Physics and BESSY, Berlin | Recent experiments on cluster photoionization and autoionization |
2 October | Mohamadu Alidou Douala, Cameroon | Pattern formation in dissipative systems: The discrete complex Ginzburg-Landau equation |
13 October | Georg Bannasch | Heisenberg antiferromagnets with uniaxial anisotropic exchange interaction and cubic anisotropy |
20 October | Norio Takemoto | Controlling the three-dimensional orientation of chiral molecules by intense bichromatic laser fields |
27 October | Alexander Eisfeld | The J- and H-band of molecular aggregates |
10 November | Paula Riviere | Strong field dynamics with electron wave packet replicas |
18 November | Olaf Uhden | Wave packet interference |
1 December | Sebastian Wüster | Creating the analogue of Hawking radiation in ultracold gases |
16 December | Martin Bercx | Magnetic field induced semimetal-to-canted-antiferromagnet transition on the honeycomb lattice |
5 January 2009 | Rejish Nath Leibniz University Hannover | Instabilities in 2D dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates |
12 January | Manfred Kleber | Quantum clocks and the tunneling-time problem |
19 January | Marcus W Beims | Dissipation and transport dynamics in a ratchet coupled to a structured bath |
26 January | Joachim Herrmann MBI Berlin | Soliton-induced supercontinuum generation |
23 February | Stefan Skupin | Azimuthons in nonlocal nonlinear media |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
date | speaker | title |
3 March | Sebastian Wuester | First principles many-body quantum theory in very large Hilbert spaces |
31 March | Carsten Krüger Weierstraß-Institut Berlin | Asymptotic pulse shapes in filamentary propagation of femtosecond pulses |
7 April | Thomas Pohl | Breaking the dipole blockade - Genuine many-body interactions in cold Rydberg gases |
14 April | Jovica Stanojevic | Many-body dynamics of Rydberg excitation using the expansion in powers of the Rabi frequency |
21 April | Ionut Georgescu | Rare-gas clusters in intense VUV laser fields |
28 April | Alexander Croy | Time-resolved electron transport in double quantum dots |
5 May | A. Kenfack | Quantum resonances, current reversals and chaos in ratchet systems |
19 May | Christian Gnodtke | Delayed Coulomb explosion of atomic clusters in helium droplets exposed to XFEL pulses |
26 May | Aranya Bhattacharjee | Faraday instability in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate |
2 June | Ivan Liu | Rydberg Borromean Trimers |
9 June | Alexander Eisfeld | Quantum aggregates |
16 June | Jan Roden | Absorption and energy transfer of molecular aggregates |
23 June | Michael Schulz University of Missouri, Rolla | Recent developments in kinematically complete experiments on basic atomic fragmentation processes |
28 July | Daniel Buccoliero | Solitons and localized structures in nonlocal nonlinear media |
1 August | Rick Mucherjee, Cambridge (UK) | title to be announced |
4 August | Slava Shatokhin | Coherent backscattering of light from saturated atoms |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 1D1
date | speaker | title | |
8 October 2007 | Aranya Bhattacherjee | Quantum optical lattices | |
15 October | Alexander Jurisch | Trapping cold atoms by quantum reflection | |
22 October | Michail Kozlov | Search for space-time variation of the fine structure constant and proton-to--electron mass ratio | |
29 October | Ming-Chiang Chung | Bose-Einstein Condensation in a periodic potential - a perturbation approach | |
5 November | Alexey Mikaberidze | Coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy: Nonlinear technique for time-resolved measurements | |
12 November | Amar Nath Sil | Doubly excited 3dnf(1,3Do) states of Helium-like systems for n=4,5,6 | |
26 November | International Workshop on Atomic Physics | ||
3 December | Ulf Saalmann | "Houston we've had a problem" | |
10 December | Vitali Averbukh | Ab initio photoionization cross-sections by Stieltjes imaging of Lanczos pseudospectra | |
17 December | Li Weibin | Many-body dynamics of attractive Bose gas on a ring | |
14 January 2008 | Ulrich Galster | What is so geometric about the phase? Some nice experiments revealing geometric phase effects | |
21 January | Jayendra Bandyopadhyay | Operator entanglement | |
28 January | Andrey Lyubonko | Resonances in ultracold plasma. Collective effects | |
18 February | Mickael Grech | Control of the propagation of randomized laser beams in inertial confinement fusion plasmas | |
25 February | Yurii Dumin | Multiple resonances in the non-neutral plasma clusters |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 1D1
date | speaker | title |
5 March 2007 | Fernando de Melo | Hybrid cavity QED on a chip: Measuring the Wigner Function of the field |
12 March | Alexey Ponomarev | Bloch oscillations of Fermi atoms in a 1D optical lattice |
29 March | Andrey Kazansky | Attosecond ionisation of atoms by attosecond pulse in strong infra-red laser fields: Streaking effect, rolt of polarisation of the initial state by laser, rescattering of the ejected electrons |
2 April | Feng He | Ab initio calculation of the interaction of hydrogen atom and hydrogen molecular ions with intense ultrafast laser pulses |
16 April | Aranya B. Bhattacherjee | Dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical superlattice |
23 April | Celal Harabati | Semiclassical initial value calculation of collinear helium atom |
30 April | Amar Nath Sil | Atomic structure calculations under plasma confinement |
21 May | Marcelo F. Ciappina | Single ionizatio by ion impact: from Rutherford to COLTRIMS |
4 June | Christian Schmid MPQ Garching | Experimental analysis of multi-photon entanglement |
11 June | Alexander Croy | Time-resolved electron transport through quantum dot systems |
18 June | Ming-Chiang Chung | Bloch oscillation instability of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in an optical lattice |
16 July | Aranya B. Bhattacherjee | Recent developments in BEC |
6 August | Roberto D. Rivarola Universidad de Rosario, Argentina | Coherent electron emission from molecular target |
13 August | Lukas Pichl | Dissociative recombination of diatomic molecular ions |
10 September | Thomas Niederhausen Kansas State Univ. | Vibrational dynamics of the D2+ molecule |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 1D1
date | speaker | title |
4 September | Bijaya Sahoo | Optical frequency standards with single ions: A probable candidate Ba+ |
9 October | Jayendra Banyopadhyay | Entanglement in quantum chaotic systems: An overview |
16 October | Paula Riviere | Dissociative adsorption and scattering of H2 molecules from the NiAl(110) |
23 October | Ivo Kabadshow Forschungszentrum Jülich | The fast multipole method - a linear scaling Coulomb solver |
13 November | Alexey Mikaberidze | Dynamics of heteronuclear clusters in strong laser fields |
20 November | Cenap Ates | Rate description of the excitation dynamics in an ultracold Rydberg gas |
27 November | Atomic Physics Workshop | |
18 December | Igor Dotsenko Uni Bonn | Single neutral atoms: From an abacus to quantum computing |
8 January 2007 | Ranaul Islam | Noble-gas atomic clusters illuminated by intense femtosecond laser pulses |
22 January | Andrei Lyubonko | Collective modes in ultracold plasmas |
12 February | Alexander Eisfeld Universität Freiburg | Optical properties of quantum aggregates |
19 February | Camilo Ruiz Mendez | Correlated double ionization of He |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 1D1
date | speaker | title |
13 February | Dario F. Martinez Rafael A. Molina | Delocalization induced by low-frequency driving in disordered tight-binding lattices |
27 February | Ulrich Kleiman | Double photoionization of atoms and ions using the time-dependent close coupling method |
6 March | Mario De Menech | Energy resolved STM mapping of C60 on metal surfaces, and more ... |
27 March | Philip Walczak Uni Freiburg | The absorption spectrum of the molecular dimer |
24 April | Ivan Liu | Ultracold Rydberg atom in a structured and disordered environment |
17 July | Phay Ho | e-e correlated photo-electric effect: Strong field multiple ionization and its classical features |
24 July | Thomas Bartsch | The geometry of time-dependent transition states |
31 July | Olivier Brodier | What is entanglement of a mixed state? |
Wednesday 9 August | Ricardo Torres Imperial College London | High harmonic generation in aligned organic molecules |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 1D1
date | speaker | title |
24. October | Elena Kolganova JINR Dubna, MPIPKS | Three atomic helium systems within Faddeev approach |
7. November | Wim Vanroose Universiteit Leuven | Complete photo-induced breakup of the hydrogen molecule as a probe of molecular electron correlation |
21. November | Andre Carvalho | Unraveling entanglement |
28. November | Atomic Physics Workshop | |
5. December | Alexei Meremianin | Collective rotations and the quantum N-body problem |
12. December | Bijaya Kumar Sahoo | Application of coupled-cluster theory to parity non-conservation in atoms |
19. December | Arvid Requate | Inelastic vibronic ionization of diatomic molecules in intense laser fields |
16. January | Rashid Nazmitdinov | Spin-orbit effect in two-dimensional semiconductors in a magnetic field |
23. January | Marcus Beims | Origin of chaos in soft interactions and signatures of non-ergodicity |
30. January | Christian Gnodtke | Imaging of atom clusters with intense femtosecond XFEL pulses |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
date | speaker | title |
4. April 2005 | Ivan Yastremsky | The scattering of spin waves by magnetic vortices in two-dimensional weakly easy-plane ferromagnet |
11. April | Arjendu Pattanayak | Coherence and decoherence in classical and quantum distribution dynamics |
18. April | Sungyun Kim | A new way of defining unstable state |
25. April | Kamal Singh | Theoretical and experimental study of stochastic resonances and interactions between noises in a vectorial bistable laser. Applications to Schmitt trigger and to climate dynamics |
9. May | Klaus Richter Uni Regensburg | Spin phenomena in quantum transport at mesoscopic scales |
23. May | Samuel B. Rojas | Pressure effects on finite systems |
27. June | Pier A. Mello | Statistical scattering of waves in disordered waveguides: From microscopic potentials to limiting macroscopic statistics |
4. July | Valentin Ostrovsky | Primary and secondary threshold laws for multifragmentation processes |
11. July | Artem Dudarev | Manipulation of ultracold atoms with optical potentials |
25. July | Carlos Viviescas | Semiclassical propagators of the Wigner function |
8. August | Lukas Pichl | Positron annihilation in dipole-bound states on molecules |
22. August | Thomas Pohl | Laser-interaction with cold ensembles: From cold atoms to ultracold plasmas and back |
29. August | Norio Takemoto University Tokyo | Alignment and orientation of asymmetric top molecules in intense laser field |
12. September | Edward Arevalo | Self-focusing of femtosecond laser pulses in gases |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
date | speaker | title |
18. October | Silvio Baier, TU DD | tba |
25. October | Mario | Metallic clusters at surfaces |
1. November | Srihari | |
8. November | Nenad Simonovic | Two-electron quantum dots in magnetic field: Symmetries, integrability and spectra |
15. November | Ranaul | Ion-energy distribution for clusters irradiated by intense laser pulses |
22. November | Björn | On interference effects in molecular recombination |
29. November | ATOM2004 | |
6. December | Andreas Be. | High harmonic generation |
13. December | Oleg Prezhdo | Ab initio studies of ultrafast interfacial electron injection from organic chromophores into TiO2 surface |
10. January 2005 | Xiaoyan Gu | Separation of global rotational degrees of freedom in a quantum N-body system |
17. January | Stephan | Optical properties of molecular chains |
24. January | Holger Hennig, Univ. Heidelberg | Charge migration due to electron correlation in molecules: Development of a non-Dyson-method |
04. February | Camilo Ruez Méndez, Univ. Salamanca | One dimensional models of Helium and Lithium in strong laser fields |
07. February | Leeor Kronik, Weizmann Institute, Rehovoth | Theory of nano-materials, spintronic materials, and nano-spintronic materials |
21. February | Marcus Beims | Environment dependent transport in multiple-asymmetric-well-potentials |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
date | speaker | title |
19. January | Celal | Long-time accuracy of semiclassical initial value representations |
2. February | Manfred | Thoughts on strong-field ionization of C60 |
11. February | . | EAS meeting in Riezlern |
16. February | Mario | Turbulence and self-organized criticality |
23.-25. February | . | Group seminar in Gohrisch |
1. March | Ulf | Basics on mesoscopic quantum transport |
15. March | Daniel Dundas | Molecules and clusters in intense laser fields |
5. April | Vasily Strelkov | Attosecond pulses generation with ellipticity-modulated fundamental |
Friday, 16. April | Sergey Fomichev, MBI Berlin | Nonlinear electron dynamics in laser-irradiated clusters |
19. April | Bärbel Siegmann, Univ. Bielefeld | Ionization and fragmentation of small molecules by fast ions |
17. May | Thomas Baier, TU München | Decoherence and the emergence of classicality in quantum optics |
Friday, 21. May | Michael Mundt, Univ. Erlangen | Semi-classical description of embedded metal clusters |
24. May | Ole Sorensen, MPIPKS | Binary correlations among bosons - a few-body approach |
7. June | Stefan Rotter, TU Wien | Tunable Fano resonances in transport through quantum billiards |
14. June | Timoleon Crepin Kofane | Modulational instability and spatiotemporal transition to chaos in the discrete complex cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau Equation |
21. June | Anatole Kenfack | Negativity of the Wigner function as an indicator of nonclassicality |
26. August | Cenap Ates, Uni Augsburg | Density fluctuations of a hard-core Bose gas in a one-dimensional lattice |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
date | speaker | title |
14. July 03 | Chien-Nan Liu, Taiwan | Hyperspherical close-coupling calculations for charge-transfer processes in slow ion-atom collisions |
08. September | Roman Krais | Positron Emission Tomography (PET) - What it is and how it works |
13. October | Eduard Tsoy | Nonlinear dynamics of pulses in Bragg gratings and optical fibers" |
20. October | Ivo | Atomic scattering from Bose-Einstein condensates |
27. October | Björn | Studies on distributions of photoelectrons from fixed-in-space molecules |
03. November | Agnieszka | Signatures of molecular orientation and orbital symmetry in strong-field ionization of molecules |
10. November | Imre | Photoionization of helium and optimized short laser pulses of helium transitions (coherent control) |
17. November | Christian | Clusters in VUV fields |
24. November | Vyacheslav | Saturation effects in coherent backscattering of light by cold atoms |
01. December | Ionut | Pattern formation upon femtosecond laser ablation of transparent dielectrica |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
20. January | Luis Plaja, Univ. Salamanca (Spain) | Relativistic electrons in strong electromagnetic fields |
28. January 10.30 am | Michael Thorwart, Delft University | Correlated tunneling in Luttinger liquid quantum dots |
3. February | Lincoln Carr, E.N.S. Paris | Dynamics of a matter-wave bright soliton in an expulsive potential |
10. February | Anatole Kenfack | Optimal representation of Wigner distributions by coherent states |
3. March | Ranaul | Classical ionization of clusters in intense VUV laser pulses |
10. March | Andrei Nefiodov, TU Dresden | Double K-shell ionization of atoms by a single photon |
17. March | Celal | Hierarchy of semiclassical wave-packet dynamics |
31. March | Agapi | Quasiclassical double photoionization from the 21,3S excited states of helium |
7. April | Boris Fine | Long-range fluctuations of random potential landscape and 1/f noise in amorphous silicon |
14. April | Przemek Panek, Warsaw University | Electron-electron scattering in presence of a strong laser field |
28. April | Andre R. R. de Carvalho | Quantum chaos and decoherence |
29. April | Rashid Nazmitdinov | Symmetry breaking and random phase approximation in small quantum dots |
12. May | Kim Bostroem, Uni Potsdam | Dynamics and measurement in quantized spacetime |
19. May | Ionut Georgescu, TU Cottbus | Pattern formation upon femtosecond laser ablation |
27. May | Agapi | Classical chaotic scattering for an open quantum system in terms of its chaotic invariant set |
10. June | V.O. Nesterenko, MPIPKS | Non-dipole low-energy electron modes in deformed clusters |
30. June | Thomas Pattard | Ultracold Rydberg gases |
14. July | Chien-Nan Liu, Taiwan | Hyperspherical close-coupling calculations for charge-transfer processes in slow ion-atom collisions |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
5.11.2001 | Vyacheslav Shatokhin, MPIPKS | Physical correlation functions in resonance fluorescence with spectral resolution: their meaning and method of calculation |
12.11.2001 | Frank Grossmann, TUD | What you always wanted to know about photoisomerization (and never dared to ask) |
20.11.2001 | Rafael Gutierrez, TUD | Electronic transport in real systems on the nanoscale |
3.-7.12.2001 | Ringberg Meeting | . |
10.12.2001 | Matthias Uhlmann, TU | Ionization and fragmentation of molecules in intense laser fields |
17.12.2001 | PhD Students' Day | An overview of doctoral these |
25.2.2002 | Celal Harabati, MPIPKS | Quantum chaos in many-body system and its application to electron recombination with multicharged ion |
8.4.2002 | Thomas Pohl, MPIPKS | Electron momentum distribution from laser-induced nonsequential double ionization - A simple classical model |
22.5.2002 | Daniel Dundas, Belfast | Laser driven H+2 and H2: Theoretical and computational approaches |
3.6.2002 | Imre F. Barna | Ionization of Helium in heavy-ion collisions |
1.7.2002 | Tobias Schneider | Double photoionization of two-electron atoms - a novel approach based on the explicit separation of dominant ionization mechanism |
8.7.2002 | Klaus Dietz | Asymptotic solutions of Lindblad equations |
3.9.2002 | JM Rost, Tobias, Thomas P., Markus | A short overview of group activities I |
17.9.2002 | Nenad, Ulf, Himadri, Christian | A short overview of group activities II |
23.9.2002 | Agapi, Ivo, Joachim, Thomas Pohl, Thomas Pattard | A short overview of group acitvities I |
8.10.2002 | Ulf, Celal, Imre, Kenfack, Eric Heller | A short overview of group activities II |
14.10.2002 | Neset Aközbek Huntsville, Alabama | White-light continuum generation, filamentation and third-harmonic generation during the propagation of intense ultra-short IR laser pulses |
21.10.2002 | Thomas Pattard | The Nobel Prize in Physics 2002 |
28.10.2002 | Andreas Becker, MPIPKS | Double ionization of He in strong laser fields: Shake-off vs. rescattering |
4.11.2002 | Ole Sorensen, Univ. Aarhus | Boson systems with large scattering lengths |
25.11.2002 | Ulf | Supersymmetric quantum mechanics I |
2.12.2002 | Ulf | Supersymmetric quantum mechanics II |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
13. August | Rainer Hempel, Institute for Analysis, TU Braunschweig | Quantum mechanical particles in strong magnetic fields |
July | no seminars | summer break |
25. June | Christian | Bohmian mechanics as a diagnostic tool |
18. June | Joachim Brand, Univ. Washington | Solitonic Vortices in trapped Bose Einstein Condensates |
11. June | Himadri | Interchannel coupling effect in photoelectron spin polarization |
4. June | no seminar | Pentecôte |
28. May | Jerome Daligault, CEA Grenoble | Coupled non-linear electron and ion dynamics in metal clusters: a 3D approach based on the semi-classical Vlasov equation |
21. May | no seminar | Workshop 'Coherent evolution in noisy environments' |
14. May | Nenad | Quantum Life-Times and the Phase-Space Structure |
7. May | Ludwig Mathey, Uni Heidelberg | Universal Properties of Amorphous Solids: The Microscopic Approach |
23. April | Carla | Resonance-like enhancements in high-harmonic generation |
9. April | Rashid Nazmitdinov | Shape- and size effects in small quantum dots |
2. April | no seminar | DPG-meeting |
Monday 13:30 / Seminar room 3
15. Januar | A. Kenfack | Abundance of Hopf bifurcations in coupled periodically driven double-well duffing oscillators | |
22. Januar | no seminar | Arbeitstagung Energiereiche Atomare Stösse, Riezlern | |
29. Januar | Jan-Michael Rost | A quasiclassical approach to fully differential ionization cross sections | |
5. Februar | Mariano Kornberg | A proposed experiment on H- for observing a direct multi-photon transition | |
12. Februar | Sandro | Anderson localization in atoms | |
19. Februar | Ludger Wirtz, TU Wien | Charge exchange between highly charged ions and alkali halide surfaces | |
26. Februar | no seminar | Gentner Symposium, Rehovot | |
5. März | Lamine | Capture of low-energy electrons by simple metal clusters | |
12. März | Ken Taylor | He double ionization with a few fat photons | |
19. März | Mengli Du | Enhancement of bichromatic high-harmonic generation with a high-frequency field | |
26. März | Daniel Faller, Uni Freiburg | Non-Markovian dynamics in continuous-wave atom lasers | |
2. April | no seminar | DPG-meeting Berlin | |
16. April | no seminar | Easter holiday |
20.06. | Fabrizio Lillo | Anomalous diffusion in stochastic processes | |
29.06. | Fabrizio Lillo | Symmetry breaking of ensemble return distributions in crash and rally days of financial markets | |
24.07. | Du | Photodetachment Microscope | |
04.09. | Carla | Control of high harmonic generation | |
11.09. | Peter | Classical triple photoionization of lithium | |
18.09. | Thomas | Quantum state preparation via asymptotic completeness | |
25.09. | Jung-Sik | p+He Transfer Ionization Process | |
02.10. | Chiennan | Photodetachment of negative ions | |
09.10. | Ulf | Quantum effects in collision induced dissociation | |
17.10. | Klaus | Spectral properties of magnetic edge states | |
23.10. | Himadri | Photoionization in the x-ray range: fresh knowledge and new speculations | |
30.10. | Tobias | Selected topics in Helium photoionization | |
06.11. | Thomas P. | Another look at single-photon mulitple ionization | |
13.11. | Ivo | Elastic scattering of atoms on the Bose-Einstein condensate | |
20.11. | Zarour Bilel, Univ. Metz | Charge transfer in collisions of Na9+ clusters with Cs atoms: A comparison with experiment | |
27.11. | Markus | Concepts for Molecular Motors | |
04.12. | no group meeting | Workshop on dynamical approaches in atomic and cluster physics | |
11.12. | Christian | Clusters in strong laser fields | |
18.12. | . | Special Christmas Seminar (Glühwein) |
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems | Nöthnitzer Straße 38, 01187 Dresden | fon: +49(351)871-2204 | fax: +49(351)871-2299