Quantum Chaos and Quantum Dynamics


Welcome to the web site of the Quantum Chaos and Quantum Dynamics group at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems in Dresden.  The group is based on the Max Planck Fellowship of Prof. Dr. Roland Ketzmerick (Technische Universität Dresden) and led by Roland Ketzmerick and André Eckardt.


Research topics:

  • Dynamic and static properties of ultracold atomic quantum gases
  • Non-equilibrium steady states of driven-dissipative many-body systems
  • Quantum signatures of regular and chaotic dynamics


Max Planck Fellowship:

To strengthen the research and cooperation ties with universities,  the Max Planck Society appoints university faculty members, who are actively performing cutting edge research, to Max Planck Fellows for a period of five years. During that time Fellows set up their research group activities at the host institute and deepen the ties with indoor research.