A group of people standing in a hallway

Workshops & Seminars


Hydrodynamic Approaches to Active Matter: Successes and Future Challenges

Scientific Coordinators: Leiming Chen, Frank Jülicher, Chiu Fan Lee
Organisation: Christina KussRead more

Current Trends in Strongly Correlated and Frustrated Systems

Scientific Coordinators: Cristian Daniel Batista, Brijesh Kumar, Arthur P. Ramirez
Organisation: Visitors ProgramRead more

Atomic Physics 2025

Scientific Coordinator: Jan Michael Rost
Organisation: Kristin PaskeRead more

From Adaptive to Active Wetting Dynamics

Scientific Coordinators: Sebastian Aland, Karin John, Yutaka Sumino, Uwe Thiele
Organisation: Visitors ProgramRead more
Focus Workshop

The non-equilibrium genome - where Physics meets Biology

Scientific Coordinators:
Organisation: Visitors ProgramRead more