A group of people standing in a hallway

Workshops & Seminars in the past


Chimera States: From Theory and Experiments to Technology and Living Systems

Scientific Coordinators: Jörn Davidsen, Yuri Maistrenko, Kenneth Showalter
Organisation: Maria VoigtRead more

Emergent Hydrodynamics in Condensed Matter and High-Energy Physics

Scientific Coordinators: Andrey Gromov, Dam Son, Piotr Surowka
Organisation: Katrin LantschRead more
Focus Workshop

Simulating Quantum Many-Body Systems on Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Computers

Scientific Coordinators: Mohammad Hafezi, Frank Pollmann, Adam Smith
Organisation: Claudia DomaschkeRead more
Focus Workshop

Topological Materials: From Weak to Strong Correlations

Scientific Coordinators: Silke Bühler-Paschen, Titus Neupert, Qimiao Si
Organisation: Mandy LocharRead more
Focus Workshop

Physics and Collective Dynamics of Future Mobility

Scientific Coordinators: Marc Barthelemy, Christian Sommer, Marc Timme
Organisation: Katrin LantschRead more

Ordinal Methods: Concepts, Applications, New Developments and Challenges

Scientific Coordinators: José M. Amigó, Karsten Keller, Osvaldo Rosso
Organisation: Maria VoigtRead more

Openness as a Resource: Accessing New Quantum States with Dissipation

Scientific Coordinators: Sergey Denisov, Michele Campisi, Peter Hänggi
Organisation: Mandy LocharRead more

Probing complex quantum dynamics through out-of-time-ordered correlators

Scientific Coordinators: Rodolfo Jalabert, Klaus Richter
Organisation: Katrin LantschRead more

Ergodicity Breaking and Anomalous Transport in Quantum Many-Body Systems

Scientific Coordinators: Alexander Mirlin, Ferdinand Evers
Organisation: Mandy LocharRead more
Focus Workshop

Physical Biology Circle Meeting

Scientific Coordinators: Frank Jülicher, Steffen Rulands
Organisation: Maria VoigtRead more

Non-Hermitian Topology: from Classical Optics to Quantum Matter (re-scheduled to 14 - 18 August 2023 due to covid19)

Scientific Coordinators: Emil J. Bergholtz, Francesco Piazza, Jan Carl Budich
Organisation: Visitors ProgramRead more
Focus Workshop

Topological Materials: From Weak to Strong Correlations (re-scheduled to 11 - 13 April 2022 due to covid19)

Scientific Coordinators: Silke Bühler-Paschen, Titus Neupert, Qimiao Si
Organisation: Katrin Lantsch, Mandy LocharRead more

Atomic Summer Camp 2021

Scientific Coordinators: Andreas Buchleitner, Thomas Pfeifer, Jan-Michael Rost
Organisation: Anna Repina, Maria VoigtRead more

Active Matter at Surfaces and in Complex Environments (re-scheduled to 19 - 23 June 2023 due to covid19)

Scientific Coordinators: Mykola Tasinkevich, Margarida Telo da Gama, William Uspal
Organisation: Visitors ProgramRead more
Virtual Workshop

Random Matrix Theory and Networks

Scientific Coordinators: Fernando Lucas Metz, Izaak Neri, Isaac Pérez Castillo
Organisation: Katrin Lantsch, Mandy LocharRead more

New trends in Nonequilibrium Many-Body Systems: Methods and Concepts (re-scheduled to 01 - 05 August 2022 due to covid19)

Scientific Coordinators: Fabian Heidrich-Meisner, Takashi Oka, Philipp Werner
Organisation: Claudia Domaschke, Maria VoigtRead more
Virtual Workshop

Korrelationstage 2021

Scientific Coordinators: Karin Everschor-Sitte, Roderich Moessner, Francesco Piazza, Roser Valentí
Organisation: Katrin Lantsch, Maria VoigtRead more
Focus Workshop

Physics and Collective Dynamics of Future Mobility (re-scheduled to 09 - 11 March 2022 due to covid19)

Scientific Coordinators: Marc Barthelemy, Christian Sommer, Marc Timme
Organisation: Visitors ProgramRead more
Virtual Workshop

Tensor product methods for strongly correlated molecular systems

Scientific Coordinators: Örs Legeza, Markus Reiher, Reinhold Schneider
Organisation: Claudia Domaschke, Maria VoigtRead more

Ordinal methods: Concepts, applications, new developments and challenges (re-scheduled to 28 February - 4 March 2022 due to covid19)

Scientific Coordinators: Jose Maria Amigo Garcia, Karsten Keller, Osvaldo Anibal Rosso
Organisation: Visitors ProgramRead more

Openness as a resource: Accessing new quantum states with dissipation (re-scheduled to 31 January - 04 February 2022 due to covid19)

Scientific Coordinators: Michele Campisi, Sergey Denisov, Peter Hänggi
Organisation: Visitors ProgramRead more

Shedding Quantum Light on Strongly Correlated Materials (re-scheduled to 22 - 26 August 2022 due to covid19)

Scientific Coordinators: Atac Imamoglu, Dieter Jaksch, Francesco Piazza
Organisation: Visitors ProgramRead more
Virtual School and Workshop

waiting for the conference on Highly Frustrated Magnetism (wHFM21)

Scientific coordinators: Claudio Castelnovo, Gang Chen, Roderich Moessner, Rajiv Singh, Fuchun Zhang
Organisation: Claudia Domaschke, Mandy LocharRead more
Virtual School and Workshop

Winter School on Strongly Correlated Quantum Matter

Scientific Coordinators: Mario Collura, Marcello Dalmonte, Markus Heyl, David Luitz
Organisation: Katrin Lantsch, Maria VoigtRead more

Atomic Physics 2020 (postponed)

Scientific Coordinator: Jan Michael Rost
Organisation: Anna RepinaRead more