Welcome to the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems

It is with great sadness that we have to announce that our founding director Peter Fulde passed away in the night of April 11, 2024, shortly after his 88th birthday. We personally as directors of mpipks are grateful to Peter for his generosity, kindness and leadership over the past three decades. His foresight, creativity and dedication were the source for his personal success as a scientist and the basis for building mpipks as an open-minded and flourishing research institute, a stimulating environment for scientific exchange that attracts colleagues from all over the world. We will make every effort that his spirit will continue to guide the institute as his living legacy.

Frank Jülicher, Roderich Moessner, Jan-Michael Rost



Obituary notice

Workshops and Seminars: Next in the row


Topological Quantum Matter in Magnetic and Synthetic Platforms

Scientific Coordinators: Hannes Bernien, Rhine Samajdar, Han Yan


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Work with us!


The institute offers various opportunities for undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs and faculty members.

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Public Outreach

Our public outreach program aims to make scientific results accessible to the general public. Active scientists speak about their recent work and explain it to a lay public with an interest in natural sciences, or to school children of different ages.

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CMD Seminar: Speed limits on information propagation in disordered spin chains

Christopher Baldwin (MSU)

02 Jul 2024, 03:00 PM Seminarroom 4

Intermittent active diffusion processes: From bacteria in gels to bio-hybrid microtransport

Robert Großmann (University of Potsdam)

03 Jul 2024, 02:00 PM Seminarroom 4

QDS: Building a hierarchy of methods for nonadiabatic molecular dynamics based on the multiple-spawning framework

Dr. Basile Curchod (University of Bristol, UK)

04 Jul 2024, 04:30 PM Room 1D1


Awards and Honors

Prof. Matthieu Wyart awarded with "Physik Preis Dresden 2024"

On 18 June 2024, the French physicist Prof. Matthieu Wyart (EPFL, École…

Publication Highlights

Quantum skyrmion Hall effect

The framework of the quantum Hall effect has been extended to a framework of a…