Embed using principal components
pc -m# [-d# -q# -o outfile -l# -x# -c# -V# -h] file
-m initial embedding dimension
-d delay for initial embedding (1)
-q number of principal components (2)
-l number of values to be read (all)
-x number of values to be skipped (0)
-c column to be read (1 or file,#)
-o output file name, just -o means file_pc
-V verbosity level (0 = only fatal errors)
-h show this message
Reads data from file and writes the projections onto the largest
m principal components as columns.
Output file file_pc.
For each principal component, the fraction of the variance (not rms amplitude)
covered and the accumulative fraction of the variance covered keeping all
components so far
are printed on stderr.
See also svd
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