Everything not being a valid option will be interpreted as a potential datafile name. Given no datafile at all, means read stdin. Also - means stdin
Possible options are:
Option | Description | Default |
-l# | number of data to be used | whole file |
-x# | number of lines to be ignored | 0 |
-c# | column to be read | 1 |
-m# | dimension of the basis | 2 |
-d# | delay | 1 |
-q# | project down to # dimensions and write the projected time series or if # equals the embedding dimension, write the vectors in the svd basis | none (only write eigenvalues) |
-o[#] | output file name | -o without argument means 'datafile'.svd (or stdin.svd if data were read from stdin) without -o means stdout |
-V# | verbosity level 0: only panic messages 1: add input/output messages | 1 |
-h | show these options | none |