Correlated Tunneling in pure and mixed bosonic systems

Peter Schmelcher

Universität Heidelberg, Department of physics and of Chemistry,
Heidelberg, Germany

We investigate few-boson tunneling in a one-dimensional double well, covering the full crossover from weak interactions to the fermionization limit of strong correlations. Based on exact quantum-dynamical calculations, it is found that the tunneling dynamics of two atoms evolves from Rabi oscillations to correlated pair tunneling as we increase the interaction strength. Near the fermionization limit, fragmented-pair tunneling is observed and analyzed in terms of the population imbalance and two-body correlations. For more atoms, the tunneling dynamics near fermionization is shown to be sensitive to both atom number and initial configuration. In a second step the quantum dynamics of strongly interacting Bose-Bose mixtures is explored. If one species is strongly localized compared to the other (e.g., much heavier), it can serve as an effective potential barrier for that mobile component. Near the limit of infinite localization, we map this to a system of identical bosons in a double well. For realistic localization, the backaction of the light species on the ''barrier'' atoms is explained --to lowest order-- in terms of an induced attraction between these. Even in equilibrium, this may outweigh the bare intra-species interaction, leading to unexpected correlated states. Remarkably, the backaction drastically affects the inter-species dynamics, such as the tunneling of an attractively bound pair of fermionized atoms.
