Tunneling and scattering in the n-dimensional coulomb problem

Tobias Kramer

Universität Regensburg, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Emmy-Nöther Gruppe Quantendynamik,
Regensburg, Germany

400 years after Kepler's Astronomia Nova, Kepler's work still drives developments in semiclassical methods. I will discuss work done in collaboration with V. Kanellopoulos and M. Kleber on the analytical expression for the quantum- and semiclassical Coulomb Green function. Our work is based on an important theorem by Johann Heinrich Lambert, who solved the orbit-determination problem for two known positions and given total energy of a comet. Extending Lambert's theorem allows one to cover also the tunneling region and to obtain an astonishing agreement between quantum mechanics and semiclassics. The resulting equation is very compact and works in n-Dimensions.
