Role of dynamical tunneling in the control of driven systems

Srihari Keshavamurthy

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Department Chemistry, Kanpur, India

Quantum control, both in atoms and molecules, is a topic of intense activity in recent years. Two interesting observations have emerged in the last few years. The first is that the optimal control theory landscapes are smooth and therefore explain the relative ease with which optimal fields can be found for fairly complex systems. Secondly, optimal control fields can steer a chaotic initial state to another chaotic final state with relative ease within a random matrix theory setting. However, there is a need for crucial insights from a classical-quantum correspondence point of view. In particular, the role of dynamical tunneling for controlling systems with mixed chaotic-regular phase space is not yet understood in detail. This talk will highlight the role of dynamical tunneling and chaotic states using a few examples. It will be established that "simple" control schemes can fail due to a subtle interplay between quantum and classical mechanisms.
