Amplitude-controlled BEC tunneling

Martin Holthaus

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Institut für Physik, Oldenburg, Germany

Previous experimental work by M. Oberthaler's group in Heidelberg has led to the realization of Bosonic Josephson junctions with Bose-Einstein condensates in double-well potentials.

When such systems are driven by means of a time-periodic modulation of their confinement, their many-body dynamics becomes quite involved, exhibiting typical features known from "quantum chaos". In fact, taking the often considered mean-field limit is similar to considering a classical nonlinear system, so that the study of "beyond mean field-effects" is closely related to that of the classical-quantum correspondence. These considerations become particularly pertinent when the modulation of the confining potential is not strictly periodic in time, but occurs with a slowly changing amplitude. In that case, a mixture of diabatic and non-adiabatic effects allows one to create certain target states with high efficiency, and to diagnose the complex many-body dynamics in terms of the final states-distribution reached after the modulation is turned off. This talk will give an overview over the essential mechanisms governing amplitude-controlled BEC-tunneling, with emphasis on the design of future experiments.
