Response of matter in gas phase to VUV- and X-FEL lightUlf Saalmann, Ionut Georgescu, Christian GnodtkeJan M Rost ![]() |
A new generation
of light sources, X-ray Free Electron Lasers
(X-FEL) will create light with properties not available before to mankind.
How does matter respond when intracting with this light?
High intensity, high frequency light pulses
of 100 fs length will create a novel dynamical response of matter which
we will study in the next years working ahead of experiments planned at
the X-FEL under construction at DESY in Hamburg. As a first step, we have
investigated the response of Argon clusters to X-FEL photons of 500 eV
energy. Surprisingly, the absorption of energy in the cluster is less per atom
than in an isolated atom [1]. This is in sharp contrast to clusters interacting
with photons of a few eV energy, see below.On the other hand, soft VUV-radiation couples very efficiently via inverse Bremstrahlung to plasma electrons, generated in the cluster. This mechanism explains the large amount of energy absorbed by rare gas clusters in the first VUV-FEL experiments on clusters at DESY in Hamburg [2]. For an overview of the mechanism of laser-matter coupling at different frequencies, see [3]. Photoionization into a plasma of already exisiting electrons is in principle a many-body process and needs to be formulated carefully [4]. We propose to monitor it experimentally with attosecond pulses, see below. Present efforts include efficient ways to image time-resolved cluster dynamics with short VUV and X-ray laser pulses. To this end we study rare gas clusters embedded in helium droplets. Key publication: Read more - contact: Ulf Saalmann |
Dynamics of clusters in time-dependent fieldsUlf Saalmann, Ranaul Islam, Alexey Mikaberidze,Jan M Rost ![]() |
Experiments by several groups have demonstrated that surprisingly much energy
per electron can be absorbed from the laser pulse into an atomic or metal cluster.
This leads to effects (coherent X-ray radiation, fast and/or highly charged fragments)
which are very interesting for applications as well as for the general understanding
of microscopic dynamics.
We have developed a combined classical/quantum mechanical
approach which describes the motion of the atoms and the ionization dynamics of
individual electron levels in real time for more than 10,000 atoms and up to 100,000
electrons. - We could show that the mechanism of energy absorption is similar to that in small molecules known as "enhanced ionization" [1]. - For clusters of intermediate size, energy absorption proceeds via a delocalized electron cloud which behaves like a driven damped harmonic oscillator [2]. For a review of this work, see [3]. Present efforts concentrate on working out ways to access the intricate time-dependent and dissipative dynamics in a cluster before energy resolved observables can be measured. To this end we have proposed two different pump-probe scenarios, using VUV-radiation as a probe and conventional IR-pulses [4] or (future) attosecond pulses [5] as a probe. With the latter it should become possible for the first time to observe the time-dependent charging of a cluster during the VUV pump pulse. Key publications: Read more - contact: Ulf Saalmann |
Fullerenes interacting with photonsPaula Riviere, Olaf Uhdem, Jan M Rostexternal collaboration: Himadri Chakraborty (Maryville, USA), Lamine Madjet (FU Berlin) Uwe Becker & group (FHI Berlin) A. Müller & group (Giessen), R. Phaneuf (Reno, USA) N Berrah (Kalamazou, USA) ![]() |
"Free electrons cannot absorb light". This well known fact makes it possible to image
delocalized electron clouds through single photon absorption in clusters and big
We have investigated the possibility to determine size and shape of the delocalized
electron cloud in metal clusters and C60, as well as endohydrals [1].
In another collaboration with experimental colleagues we have identified a collective excitation in fullerenes beyond the giant dipole resonance.
It has the character of a volume plasmon and its excitation by linearly polarized light is only possible through the special
geometry of C60 [2].Present projects include (i) double photo detachment of C60 Key publications: Read more - contact: Jan M Rost |
Dynamics in ultracold gasesCenap Ates, Ivan Liu, Andrei Lyubonko, Jan M Rostexternal collaboration: Thomas Pohl (ITAMP, Harvard) Thomas Pattard (APS, Ridge, USA) ![]() |
Recently, it has become possible to cool atomic or molecular gases to ultralow temperatures in the
nano-Kelvin range.
These advances in experimental techniques have helped to create experimentally extreme states of matter
such as atomic Bose-Einstein condensates or a lattice of optically arranged atoms. The new branch
of ultracold atomic physics is emerging with a wealth of experimental information which calls for
interpretation and explanation. In this project, we are in particular concerned with the theoretical
description of ultracold Rydberg gases.
We have developed a hybrid-molecular dynamics description which allows one to follow
the dynamics of ions and electrons for a time long enough to determine the degree of correlation
which develops. As a spectacular result we predict the formation of ionic crystals during the free
expansion of the two-component plasma if the ions are laser cooled during the expansion [1].
Moreover, after photoionization of the atomic cloud, the plasma created exhibits interesting non-equilibrium dynamics [2].A second topic are blockade effects in ultrcold gases. We have formulated a statistical model which can handle many-body effects classically and describes recent experiments well. Thereby, we have found an antiblockade effect in an ordererd gas [3]. Prsesent interest includes long range correlations of ultracold Rydberg atoms in BECs. Finally, we are interesting in bound structures which may form out of an ultracold gas, such as long range diatomic or polyatomic molecules [4]. Key publications: Read more - contact: Cenap Ates
Multiple excitation and fragmentation of atomsPeije Wang, Ulrich Kleiman, Jan M Rostexternal collaboration: Agapi Emmanouilidou (Eugene, USA), Ivan Yastremski Horst Schmidt-Böcking, Reinhard Dörner & group (Frankfurt) ![]() |
The "classic" topic in our group, tackled with timely classical and semiclassical
Current projects include three- and four- electron processes such as
the triple-photoionization of Lithium. We have found a classification scheme in terms of electron-electron collisions
for triple ionizing events which holds promise to be generally valid also for more than three electrons. The collsisions
happen on an attosecond time scale and may be experimentally accessible in the future [2].
This work started out from double ionization of helium described classically, based on
separate formulations of shake-off and knock-out for double
photoionization [1]. Further projects include the search for the
transition to chaos with increasing double excitation in two-electron
atoms [3] and the exploration of the limits of classical microscopic descriptions through comparison with
exact quantum results.
Key publications: read more - contact: Jan M Rost |
Quantum systems under the influence of noiseAnatole Kenfack, Kamal Singh, Jayendra Bandyopadhyay, Jan M Rostexternal collaboration: Frank Grossmann, TU Dresden ![]() |
In many applications which use classical mechanics to approximate quantum dynamics in large systems
one needs a transcription of the initial quantum state into classical phase space. On the other hand,
quantum systems with many degrees of freedom may eventually behave classically. To understand this transition better,
we simulate the "environment" of many degrees of freedom by noise which influences a small quantum system
with few degrees of freedom.
We have investigated and compared classical and quantum vibrational dynamics of a diatomic polar molecule exposed to an external noise
source by solving the stochastic Schrödinger equation for the quantum case and the Langevin equation in the classical case [1].
Present projects include the investigation of the full (electronic and nuclear) dynamics of H2 under noise,
as well as atomic strong laser field phenomena under additional noise. For the latter we found strong enancement of ionization for a proper amplitude of the noise [2]. While this can be easily understood in the frequency domain, it may open new possibilities of control in systems where resonant frequencies are not known.
Key publications: Read more - contact: Anatole Kenfack, Kamal Singh |
The role of time in physicsJan M Rostexternal collaboration: John S Briggs, Freiburg ![]() |
Space and momentum are operators in quantum mechanics - in contrast, time is still
a classical parameter. What is the reason for and what are the consequences of this asymmetry?
The asymmetry is also evident from the uncertainty relations:
they are commutator-based for momentum-space but only a Fourier relation for energy-time. Two
resolutions seem to be possible: Either one finds an operator for time, or one can show that
indeed time is derived, is ultimately based on space and therefore, the energy-time uncertainty
can be traced back to a special position-momentum uncertainty. We have followed the second
option showing how one can derive the time-dependent Schroedinger equation for a stest system
from the time-independent one for the test system and its environment. In turn, the energy-time
uncertainty of the system has its origin in the (operator based) position-momentum uncertainty
of the environment.
Key publication: contact: Jan M Rost |
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Last change . 05.2007 . jmr |