Search for metastable dimer states of alkaline earth metals in helium-4

Robert Zillich

Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes-Kepler-University, Linz, Austria

We present results for single Mg and Mg dimer solvation in both bulk He and He clusters, using the hypernetted chain / Euler-Langrange (HNC-EL) method as well as path integral Monte Carlo simulations. We find that the phonon-mediated, indirect Mg-Mg interaction adds an oscillatory component to the direct Mg-Mg interaction ("over-screening"). We undertake a careful examination of the ingredients of the calculation of the phonon-induced interaction, comparing the results of HNC-EL calculations for bulk and single impurity results with experiments as well as Monte Carlo data. We investigate whether Mg or other earth alkalis can have metastable dimer states in He.
