Large-deviation properties of random graphs

Alexander Hartmann

University of Oldenburg, Institute of Physics, Theoretical Phyics Department, Oldenburg, Germany

The large-deviation properties of different types of random graphs, are studied using numerical simulations. First, distributions of the size of the largest component, in particular the large-deviation tail, are studied numerically for two graph ensembles, for Erdoes-Renyi random graphs with finite connectivity and for two-dimensional bond percolation. Probabilities as small as 10^-180 are accessed using an artificial finite-temperature (Boltzmann) ensemble and applications of the Wang-Landau algorithm. The distributions for the Erdoes-Renyi ensemble agree well with previously obtained analytical results. The results for the percolation problem, where no analytical results are available, are qualitatively similar, but the shapes of the distributions are somehow different and the finite-size corrections are sometimes much larger. Furthermore, for both problems, a first-order phase transition at low temperatures T within the artificial ensemble is found in the percolating regime, respectively. Second, the some recent results for distributions of the diameter are presented and compared to partial analytic results which are available from previous studies for Erdoes-Renyi random graphs in the small connectivity region.
