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Mathematical Physics of Complex Networks: From Graph Theory to Biological Physics

International Workshop - May 14 - 18, 2012

Scientific coordinators:
Charo Del Genio (MPI für Physic komplexer Systeme, Dresden, Germany)
Kevin E. Bassler (University of Houston, Houston, USA)

Sabine Strecker (MPI für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, Germany)

Over the past decade complex networks have received considerable attention in the scientific community. The new ideas and methods that are currently being developed bring together results from a wide range of disciplines of mathematics and physics, including graph theory, dynamical systems theory, group theory, number theory, combinatorics, and random matrix theory. Furthermore, novel mathematical ideas are being inspired by concepts from the social and biological sciences. Nevertheless, the interaction of scientists that study complex networks in different fields is unfortunately not commonplace.

This workshop will bring together an interdisciplinary mix of many of the world's leading researchers in the field of complex networks. The event aims to promote the development of analytic results and computational methods and to connect those results to important real world applications. The workshop will expose the participants to different methods and points of view on the broad topic of complex networks, thereby providing them with approaches they were potentially unfamiliar with and that they might use to the benefit of their research.

Invited speakers:

A.-L. Barabási (USA) M. Barthélemy (France)S. Bornholdt (Germany)A. Diaz-Guilera (Spain)
S. Dorogovtsev (Portugal)B. Drossel (Germany)P . Erdős (Hungary)P. Grassberger (Canada)
C. Greenhill (Australia)T. Gross (UK)A. Hartmann (Germany)S. Jalan (India)
K. Josić (USA)B. Kahng (South Korea)I. G. Kevrekidis (USA)K. Klemm (Germany)
G. Korniss (USA)J. Kurths (Germany)S. Lehmann (DK)M. Marsili (Italy)
A. Mukherjee (India)F. Peruani (France)S. Redner (USA)L. Székely (USA)
M. Timme (Germany)Z. Toroczkai (USA)

Applications for participation and poster contributions are welcome and should be made by using the application form. The number of attendees is limited. The registration fee for the workshop is 120 EUR and should be paid by all participants. Costs for accommodation and meals will be covered by the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems. Limited funding is available to partially cover travel expenses. Please note that childcare is available upon request.

Deadline for applications is February 15, 2012.

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