Shock-probes in driven diffusive systems

We study dynamics of shock-tracking probe particles in driven diffusive systems. We primarily consider two different examples of one-dimensional driven systems---(i) there is no interaction present among the particles of the medium except hard-core exclusion (ASEP) and (ii) a nearest neighbor Ising interaction is present among the particles (KLS model). We find that in both these cases the probe dynamics is governed by a diverging time-scale that marks the crossover from single-probe behavior to many-probe behavior. Earlier studies on probes in a KLS model report that the exponents characterising the decays of static and dynamic correlation functions of the probes depends continuously on the strength of the Ising interaction. On the contrary, our numerical simulations indicate that over a substantial range of the interaction strength, these exponents remain constant and their values are the same as in the case of no interaction (ASEP). Our results are consistent with the expectation that the short-ranged correlations induced by the Ising interaction should not affect the large time and large distance properties of the system, implying that the scaling forms remain same as in the medium with no interaction present.
