scientific program

SUUNDAY (August 22)
MONDAY (August 23)
TUESDAY (August 24)
WEDNESDAY (August 25)
THURSDAY (August 26)
FRIDAY (August 27)

SUNDAY, August 22

18.00 - 20.00 Registration
19.00 - Reception with food and beverages
MONDAY, August 23

09.00 - 09.10 Roderich Moessner (Director MPI für Physik komplexer Systeme) &
  Scientific Coordinators
  Chairperson: Elena Bascones
  Quantum Oscilaltions
09.10 - 09:50 Suchitram Sebastian (University of Cambridge)
  Quantum oscillations in the underdoped cuprates
09.50 - 10.30 Louis Taillefer (University of Sherbrooke)
  Fermi surface reconstruction and quantum criticality in cuprate superconductors
10.30 - 11.00 Coffee break
  Chairperson: Andrey Chubukov
  Compiting Orders in cuprates
11.00 - 11.40 Hae-Young Kee (University of Toronto)
  Fermiology and nematicity in cuprates
11.40 - 12.20 Eduardo Fradkin (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
  How the cuprates intertwine charge, spin and superconducting orders
12.20 Lunch
  Chairperson: Ilya Eremin
  Novel superconductors
14.30 - 15.10 Sergey Borisenko (IFW Dresden)
  ARPES studies of interplay between the density waves and unconventional superconductivity
15.10 - 15.50 Igor Mazin (Naval Research Laboratory, Washington)
  Experimental and computational evidence for the s+- pairing symmetry in Fe-based superconductors
15.50 - 16.00 Discussion
16.00 - 16.30 Coffee break
  Chairperson: Roderich Moessner
16.30 - 17.30
  Subir Sachdev (Harvard University)
  The phase diagrams of the high temperature superconductors
18.30 Supper
TUESDAY, August 24

  Chairperson: Suchitra Sebastian
  Iron-based superconductors I
09.00 - 09.40 Kazuhiko Kuroki (The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo)
  Anion height as a key parameter in the superconductivity of pnictides and cuprates
09.40 - 10.20 Ruslan Prozorov (Iowa State University)
  Anisotropic penetration depth and resistivity in Fe-based superconductors
10.20 - 10.50 Coffee break
  Chairperson: Maxim Vavilov
10.50 - 11.30 Yuji Matsuda (Kyoto University)
  Evolution of transport properties, Fermi surface, magnetic properties and superconducting gap structure of BaFe2(As1-xPx)
11.30 - 12.10 Dmitri Basov (University of California, San Diego)
  Shedding infrared light on high-Tc superconductivity
12.10 Lunch
  Chairperson: Jörg Fink
  Iron-based superconductors II
14.30 - 15.10 Werner Hanke (Universität Würzburg)
  Superconductivity in Iron Pnictides: From DFT to a functional RG Study
15.10 - 15.50 Raymond Osborn (Argonne National Laboratory)
  The Doping Dependence of Resonant Spin Excitations in Ba1-xKxFe2As2
15.50 - 16.20 Coffee break
  Chairperson: Yong-Baek Kim
16.20 - 17.00 Ansgar Liebsch (FZ Jülich)
  Correlation induced spin freezing transition in FeSe and FeAsLaO: A dynamical mean field study
17.00 - 17.40 Maria Daghofer (IFW Dresden)
  Multi-orbital models for Pnictides: Pairing symmetries and numerical simulations
17.40 - 18.00 Jason Hancock (Universite de Geneve)
  Photon-based studies of Fe-based parent compounds
18.00 Supper
19.30 Poster session I (including beverages)
WEDNESDAY, August 25

  Chairperson: Philipp Gegenwart
  Iron-based superconductors III
09.00 - 09.40 Dimitri Argyriou (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin)
  From (π, 0) magnetic order to superconductivity with (π, π) magnetic resonance in Fe1.02(Te1-xSex)
09.40 - 10.20 Belén Valenzuela (Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (CSIC))
  The low magnetic moment and the anisotropy in the magnetic state of undoped iron pnictides
10.20 - 10.30 Group photo (to be published on the website)
10.30 - 10.50 Coffee break
  Chairperson: Ruslan Prozorov
10.50 - 11.30 Bernd Büchner (Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden)
  Nanoscale electronic order in underdoped iron pnictides
11.30 - 12.10 Maxim Vavilov (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
  Coexistence between superconducting and spin density wave states in iron-based superconductors
12.10 - 12.30 Alexander Boris (Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttart)
  Superconductivity-induced optical anomaly in an iron arsenide
12.30 Lunch
  Chairperson: Yuji Matsuda
  Dirac Fermions
14.30 - 15.10 Ashvin Vishwanath (University of California, Berkeley)
  Topological Insulators - Correlations effects and topological field theories
15.10 - 15.30 Coffee break
16.10 - Excursion - Barockschloss Rammenau
19.00 - Conference dinner in the castle
THURSDAY, August 26

  Chairperson: Kazuhiko Kuroki
09.00 - 09.40 Bernhard Keimer (Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttart)
  Spin and charge correlations in complex oxides: from understanding to control
09.40 - 10.20 Maurice Rice (ETH Zürich)
  A k-space theory for the cuprate superconductors
10.20 - 10.50 Coffee break
  Chairperson: Mike Zhitomirsky
10.50 - 11.30 Subir Sachdev (Harvard University)
  Spin density wave ordering in metals
11.30 - 12.10 Michael Norman (Argonne National Laboratory)
  The electronic phase diagram of the cuprates
12.10 Lunch
  Chairperson: Wolfram Brenig
  Nematic Order
14.30 - 15.10 Andy Mackenzie (University of St Andrews)
  Thermodynamic studies of Sr3Ru2O7
15.10 - 15.50 Max Metlitski (Harvard University)
  The Ising-nematic transition in two-dimensional metals
15.50 - 16.20 Coffee break
  Chairperson: Ashvin Vishwanath
16.20 - 17.00 Dmitrii Maslov (University of Florida)
  Resistivity of a non-Galilean invariant fermi system near a pomeranchuk quantum critical point
17.00 - 17.40 Kee Hoon Kim (Center for Novel States of Complex Materials Research, Seoul)
  Emergent magnetic quantum criticality in a multiferroic Ba2CoGe2O7 at high magnetic fields
18.00 Supper
19.30 Poster session II (including beverages)
FRIDAY, August 27

  Chairperson: Max Metlitski
  Orbital Physics and Novel Magnetism I
09.00 - 09.40 Giniyat Khaliullin (Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart)
  Mott insulators in the strong spin-orbit coupling limit
09.40 - 10.20 Yong-Baek Kim (University of Toronto)
  Spin liquid and topological insulator in frustrated magnets
10.20 - 10.50 Coffee break
  Chairperson: Joseph Betouras
10.50 - 11.30 Roderich Moessner (MPI für Physik komplexer Systeme)
  Irrational charge
11.35 - 12.10 Gia-Wei Chern (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
  Novel quantum phases in frustrated spin-orbital models
12.10 - 12.30 Peter Lemmens (Technische Universität Braunschweig)
  Inelastic light scattering beyond Landau symmetry breaking
12.30 Lunch
  Chairperson: Hae-Young Kee
  Novel Magnetism II + together with ASG on ``Quantum Magnetism''
14.30 - 15.10 Mike Zhitomirsky (C.E.A., Grenoble)
  Magnon pairing in quantum spin nematic
15.10 - 15.50 Wolfram Brenig (Technische Universität Braunschweig)
  Quantum phases of the planar antiferromagnetic j1-j2-j3 Heisenberg-Model
15.50 - 16.20 Coffee break
  Chairperson: Dmitrii Maslov
16.20 - 17.00 Andreas Läuchli (MPI für Physik komplexer Systeme)
  Effective spin model for the spin-liquid phase of the Hubbard model on the triangular lattice
17.00 - 17.40 Oleg Starykh (University of Utah)
  Spatially anisotropic triangular antiferromagnet in a magnetic field
17.40 - 17.50 Scientific Coordinators
  Closing Remarks
18.00 Supper

Last updated: August 18, 2010