Rainer Hegger |
Holger Kantz |
Thomas Schreiber |
Exercises for TISEAN Nonlinear Time Series
A guided tour through TISEAN
Exercises with data sets
These exercises are neither a short course in nonlinear dynamics nor
in nonlinear time series analysis. They are just an introduction to an
efficent usage of the routines. However, we tried to enrich them by
remarks and comments, in particular pointing out some pitfalls
and common errors in data analysis.
I: Exploring chaos in 1-dimensional
II: Linear models and simple prediction
III: Time and length scales, structure,
Poincare-maps, and surrogates
IV: Dimensions, Lyapunov exponents, and entropies
Printed in blue are routine names, mathematical
objects, and other relevant stuff.
Printed in red are command lines to be typed into a
terminal window for program operation.
Printed in green are gnuplot commands, i.e., these
are command lines to be typed after a gnuplot> prompt.
Printed in orange are program options, including
their numerical values.