Christine Muschik, Markus Heyl, et al., arXiv:1612.08653
Lattice gauge theories describe fundamental phenomena in nature, but
calculating their real-time dynamics on classical computers appears to be
notoriously difficult. Digital quantum simulation has been proposed as a general
strategy to solve such computationally hard problems on a programmable quantum
device instead of using conventional computers. Recently, an experiment has
demonstrated for the first time a digital quantum simulation of a lattice gauge
theory on a small-scale quantum computer made of trapped ions. This work has
been selected by the magazine Physics World as one of the top ten
breakthroughs in physics in 2016. Now, a detailed theoretical analysis of the
experimentally used scheme has been published which studies in detail the
scheme's performance, robustness against various error sources, and
See also coverage in
Physics World and the
experimental work .