A group of people standing in a hallway

Workshops & Seminars in the past


Statistical Physics and Biology of Collective Motion

Scientific Coordinators: Andreas Deutsch, Guy Théraulaz, Támas Vicsek
Organisation: Katrin Lantschweiterlesen
Focus Workshop

Spike-Frequency Adaption in Neural Systems

Scientific Coordinators: Benjamin Lindner, Jan Benda
Organisation: Mandy Locharweiterlesen

Fluctuation-Induced Forces in Condensed Matter

Scientific Coordinators: Siegfried Dietrich, Andrea Gambassi
Organisation: Claudia Pönischweiterlesen

The Dynamics of Nonlinear Stochastic Systems

Scientific Coordinators: Igor Sokolov, Udo Erdmann, Benjamin Lindner
Organisation: Katrin Lantschweiterlesen

TCS-PROGRAM: Timing and Dynamics in Biological Systems

Scientific Coordinators: Felix Naef, Andrew Oates, Jörg Stelling
Organisation: Mandy Locharweiterlesen

Novel Simulation Approaches to Soft Matter Systems

Scientific Coordinators: J. Cerdà, Christian Holm, Kurt Kremer
Organisation: Sofja Roscinaweiterlesen
Seminar and Workshop

Cold Rydberg Gases and Ultracold Plasmas

Scientific Coordinators: Charles S. Adams, Thomas Pohl, Hossein Sadeghpour
Organisation: Claudia Pönischweiterlesen

Complexity in Periodically Structured Systems

Scientific Coordinators: Cornelia Denz, Gian-Luca Oppo
Organisation: Katrin Lantschweiterlesen

Emergent Quantum States in Complex Correlated Matter

Scientific Coordinators: Elena Bascones, Andrey Chubukov, Ilya Eremin
Organisation: Mandy Locharweiterlesen
School and Workshop

Quo vadis Bose-Einstein condensation?

Scientific Coordinators: Martin Holthaus, Axel Pelster
Organisation: Sofja Roscinaweiterlesen