A group of people standing in a hallway

Workshops & Seminars in the past

PhD Student's Day

PhD Students' Day

Scientific Coordinator: F. Mintert

Atomic Physics 2003

Scientific Coordinator: J.-M. Rost
Organisation: Gabi Makoliesweiterlesen
PhD Student's Day

PhD Students' Representatives Meeting

Scientific Coordinators: G. Klein, F. Mintert
Organisation: Katrin Lantschweiterlesen
Seminar and Workshop

Motion, Sensation and Self-Organization in Living Cells

Scientific Coordinators: K. Kruse, F. Jülicher, J. Howard, J. Prost Organisation: C. Pönisch & Nadine Baldes
Organisation: Claudia Pönischweiterlesen
Seminar and Workshop

Trends in Pattern Formation: From Amplitude Equations to Applications

Scientific Coordinators: M. Bär, H. Engel, E. Schöll, A. Torcini
Organisation: Mandy Locharweiterlesen

Biological Information and Statistical Physics

Scientific Coordinator: F. Jülicher Organisation: N. Baldes
Seminar and Workshop

Quantum Phase Transitions

Scientific Coordinators: D. Belitz, T. R. Kirkpatrick, T. Vojta
Organisation: Katrin Lantschweiterlesen

Collective Phenomena in the Low Temperature Physics of Glasses

Scientific Coordinators: C. Enss, S. Hunklinger, R. Kühn Organisation: M. Stiegler

Fermi-Liquid Instabilities in Correlated Metals (ESF workshop)

Scientific Coordinator: H. von Löhneysen
Organisation: Claudia Pönischweiterlesen

Field Theory in Condensed Matter and Particle Physics (HERAEUS Workshop)

Scientific Coordinators: B. Altshuler, K. Efetov, L. Frankfurt, K. Goeke, M. Strikman
Organisation: Katrin Lantschweiterlesen